УГОЛЬ № 01-2010


 All-Russia forum of Rosugleprof has summed up 2009
Also has planned a plan of action of trade union for 2010

In the end of November, 2009 in Moscow, in the Big hall of the Palace of work FNPR the All-Union meeting of chairmen of primary trade-union organizations of Rosugleprof took place become traditional. On the agenda of meeting there were three questions: ”About social and economic position of the organizations of the coal industry of the Russian Federation”, “About the Federal branch agreement on the coal industry of the Russian Federation for 2010-2012” and “About carrying out of reports and elections in the trade-union organizations of the Russian independent trade-union of workers of the coal industry”. Chairman of Rosugleprof Ivan Mochnachuk has opened meeting the report on the first question. In materials performance of the leader of the Russian coal trade-union is resulted.
Keywords: coal industry, a social status, tariffs, a payment, a labour market.

UDC 331827:622.33 (470) © V.N. Popov, I.I. Mochnachuk, 2010

Popov Vladimir Nikolaevich
Doctor econ. sciences, professor

Mochnachuk Ivan Ivanovich
Chairman of Rosugleprof, cand. econ. sciences

Methodical recommendations on strengthening a role of the Federal branch agreement and collective agreements at the organization of social protection of workers of coal branch

In article methodical positions of development of the Federal agreement with the purpose of the maximal strengthening its role in social protection of workers are presented. Labour attitudes should be under construction at formation of system of social protection on the basis of both the general principles, and private interests of workers at all levels of management.
Keywords: labour attitudes, collective agreement, labour contract, social security, employment of the population, a labour market.

Contact – e-mail: ephimovaga@mail.ru


UDC 336.5:658.155.016.8:622.33 (470) © M.P. Voskobojnik, 2010

Voskobojnik Michael Pinhasovich
The main scientific employee of Institute of power researches of the Russian Academy of Science,
doctor econ. sciences

The mechanism of financing of liquidating works of the coal-mining organizations

In article the new mechanism of formation of the liquidating fund created in the coal organizations for carrying out of liquidating works after the termination of conducting of mining works is offered. Calculation of rates of necessary deductions in liquidating fund depending on duration of industrial activity of the coal organizations is resulted. Changes and additions in the acts of the Russian Federation necessary for realization of the offered mechanism of financing of liquidating works are resulted.
Keywords: liquidating works in the coal organizations, the mechanism of financing of liquidating works, rates of necessary deductions in liquidating fund, the legal documents necessary for realization of the new mechanism of financing of liquidating works.


Week of the miner – 2010

The program of a scientific symposium “Week of the miner – 2010”, devoted is presented to the 90 anniversary from the date of a birth of academician V.V. Rzhewsky. Besides the program seminars of a scientific symposium are presented.
Keywords: a mining science, mining formation, innovations, mining techniques, a mineral-raw complex.

Contact – e-mail: koroleva@msmu.ru


UDC 622.271.6 (571.17) © E.A.Kononenko, A.A. Romanov, T.O. Gogua, 2010

Kononenko Evgenie Andreevich
Doctor tech. sciences (MGGU)

Romanov Alexey Aleksandrovich
“World of a stone” LLC

Gogua Tamazy Otarovich

The basic directions of organizational-technical perfection of hydromechanization of coal cuts of Kuzbass

In article the organizational-technical actions directed on perfection and expansion of a scope of hydromechanization on coal cuts of Kuzbass are offered.
Keywords: hydromechanization, a coal cut, hydrotransport, hydromonitor complex, hydrobreeds works.

Contact – tel.: (495) 930-13-93


UDC 622.807:622.271:621.879:622.85 © S.S.Timofeeva, Ju.A. Luzhkov, 2010

Timofeeva Svetlana Semenovna
Doctor tech. sciences, professor IrGtU

Luzhkov Jury Afanasevich
Teacher of Cheremhovsky of state mine technical college,
Post-graduate student IrGtU

Ecological and professional risks at a surface mining

Influence of mining machines on formation of a dust is considered at a coal mining. Dust loading on the personnel serving mining machine is certain. Are calculated ecological and professional risks of the attendants working in various conditions of harmful influence. The estimation of working conditions of workers of the mining enterprise is resulted.
Clause is intended for experts of a mining structure and workers of the mining enterprises. It is useful to students of high schools and average special educational institutions of a mining orientation.
Keywords: mining machines, surface mining, the attendants, working conditions, the ecological risk, harmful factors.

Contact – e-mail: cheremgtk@mail.ru


UDC 622.831.322.001.2 (574.31) © G.I. Kulakov, G.P. Metaksa, 2010

Kulakov Gennady Ivanovich
Institute of mining of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Science, doctor tech. sciences

Metaksa Galina Pavlovna
Institute of mining ASof Kazakhstan, cand. tech. science

Distribution of sudden emissions of coal and gas within the limits of the generalized week cycle on mines of the Karaganda

In article a number of features of sudden emissions of coal and gas on mines of the Karaganda branch for the period with 1959 on 1998 is analysed Is established, that the generalized week cycles gas and dynamic displays on mines of Kuzbass and the Karaganda are similar, intensity of sudden emissions of coal and gas on mines of the Karaganda and on mines of Kuzbass increases by the end of a week cycle.
Keywords: methane, sudden emissions of coal and the gas, the generalized week cycle.

UDC 622.831.3:622.33.012.2 (574.31) © K.S. Kashapov, A.I. Polchin, D.B. Udodov, N. Butler, 2010

Kashapov Kanif Sergeevich
Director under investment programs of Coal department
JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”, cand. tech. sciences

Polchin Alexander Ivanovich
The assistant to technical director of Coal department
JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”, mining engineer

Udodov Dmitry Borisovich
Director of Company “Depressionservice”, Karaganda, mining engineer

Nejl Butler
Technical director of firm “Harworth Energy Ltd”, England, engineer-designer

The complex approach to decontamination in Coal department of JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”

In article experience of industrial decontamination of layers of mines of Coal department of JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau” in the Karaganda coal basin is presented. The complex of programs “an automated workplace of decontamination – 2002”, consisting of two basic program modules is described: calculation decontamination (RDS) and the axonometrical scheme decontamination, necessary for designing decontamination systems and conducting decontamination works on collieries. Mobile rotational stations MDRS-180 are considered applied on mines for decontamination. Conclusions and are given to the recommendation on a complex of measures on decontamination.
Keywords: gas, decontamination, rotational decontaminations stations

Contact: e-mail: Kanif.Kashapov@arcelormittalcoal.kz; A.I.Polchin@arcelormittalcoal.kz;
dimonkar@mail.ru; nbutler@harworthenergy.com


UDC 338.4:658.155:622.33«313» © L.V. Petrova, E.N. Petrova, 2010

Petrova Ljubov Viktorovna
The senior lecturer of faculty "Economy" of branch of the Moscow state Open university
In a Prokopevsk, cand. econ. sciences

Petrova Elizabeth Nikolaevna
The senior teacher of faculty "Economy" of branch of the Moscow state Open university in a Prokopevsk

Modern methods of construction of model of a financial estimation and prospects of development of the coal enterprise

In modern conditions for the majority of the coal enterprises mastering by modern methods of management by the finance is necessary. Such methods, perhaps, a unique way of construction of model of a financial estimation and prospects of development of the coal enterprise for few minutes as they are based not on a plenty of historical data, and on three-four operative parameters. In clause the technology of the operational analysis owing to which process of modelling becomes accessible and fast for managers is considered.
Keywords: coal enterprise, a technique the analysis, the analysis of break-even, modern methods of management of the finance.

Contact – e-mail: 186Prok@mail.ru


UDC 061.3:62.001.4 © M.V. Davidov, 2010

Davidov Michael Vladimirovich
The professor of faculty “Enrichment of minerals” MGGU, cand. tech. sciences

The present and the future behind nanotechnologies

In article results of the 2-nd World forum devoted nanotechnologies "Nanotech-2009" are presented are summed up the exhibition which have been last within the limits of a forum where new development in all branches of economy have been presented. Ways of the decision of a problem on formation Russian nanotechnologies are analysed.
Keywords: nanotechnologies, innovations, new development.

Contact – e-mail: iott@iott.ru


UDC 622.281.74 © D.K. Kazachenko, 2010

Kazachenko Dmitry Kuzmich
Mining engineer, Novokuznetsk

Direction of perfection an anchors

It is offered anchors which are applied in weaker on compression breeds (on bearing ability) and in stronger - sandstones (on drilling capacity), as advancing mechanized systems in lavas at unstable breeds, in assembly and other chambers, in capital developments and tunnels where the ends of anchors acting in development incorporate to cross-section armature and are concreted. The design of offered anchors and ways of their application is considered. Efficiency of these anchors is noted.
Keywords: anchors, the boring equipment, lateral breeds.


UDC 622.411.33:662.764 © E.V. Krejnin, F.V. Makoveev, K.N. Hurshudjan, 2010

Krejnin Efim Vulfovich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, doctor tech. sciences, professor
Company “Gazprom promgaz”

Makoveev Phillip Vladimirovich
Company “Gazprom promgaz”

Hurshudjan Karatine Norajrovna
Company “Gazprom promgaz”

The technical and economic analysis of variants of the enterprises of underground gasification of coal

Variants of construction of the industrial enterprises of underground gasification of coal layers on air and oxygen blasting are considered. The economic estimation of manufacture on their basis of low-calorie gas, the electric power and a substitute of natural gas is executed. The received technical and economic parameters of these manufactures are the basis for decisions on investment in them.
Keywords: underground gasification of coal (PGU), blasting are considered and gas chinks, a substitute of natural gas (ZPG), underground generator of gas, variants of industrial enterprises PGU.

Contact – e-mail: E.Kraynin@promgaz.ru


UDC 622.7+622.013.364.2 © L.A. Antipenko, 2010

Antipenko Lina Aleksandrovna
Director on scientific work as OJSC "SibNIIugleobogashenie",
doctor tech. sciences, corresponding member of MAON

Definition, the account and the control of losses of coal preparation

Specialists of institute "SibNIIugleobogashenie" consider that it is necessary to revise normative documents in part of determination, account and control of technological losses, and also to develop methods and methods of increase of efficiency of coal preparation and dehydration of shallow classes of coal from 0 to 1 (2) mm. With the increase of depth of enriching technological losses will grow short.
Keywords: coal preparation, processing, flotaciya, drying of coal, concentrating factory, vodoshlamovye charts, technological losses

Contact – e-mail: ProkopevaOA@suek.ru