Original Paper
UDC 658.5:001.895 © A.V. Shmidt, A.S. Kostarev, 2022
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № 3, pp. 61-67
Development of a strategy for the innovative development of a coal-mining production association under technological paradigms change conditions
Shmidt A.V.1, Kostarev A.S.2
1“SUEK-Khakasia” LLC, Chernogorsk, 655162,
2South Ural
Authors’ Information
Shmidt A.V., Doctor of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Applied Economics, e-mail:
Kostarev A.S., Doctor of Economics Sciences, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance - Financial Director, e-mail:
The article reviews topical tasks of designing the strategy for innovative development of a coal-mining production association in conditions of transition to a new technological paradigm. The paper presents methodological basis for developing an innovative development strategy of a coal-mining production association in conditions of global change of technological paradigms, as well as a conceptual model of innovative development of a coal-mining production association, developed by the author and based on inclusion of interrelated cycles ranging from the global technological to specific corporate innovation cycles, implementation of which ensures the development of new organizational and technological paradigms. The mechanism of developing a strategy of innovative development of a coal-mining production association, based on revealing and implementation of development resources, as well as the results of its validation are described.
Innovative development, Innovative development strategy, Organizational and technological paradigm, Development resources, Organizational and economic relations, Technical and technological support, Coal mining production association
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For citation
Shmidt A.V., Kostarev A.S. Development of a strategy for the innovative development of a coal-mining production association under technological paradigms change conditions. Ugol’, 2022, (3), pp. 61-67. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-3-61-67.
Paper info
Received December 22, 2022
Reviewed January 15, 2022
Accepted February 21, 2022