UDC 061.43:622.002.5(100) © SVC “Expodonbass”, 2012
SVC “Expodonbass”
Coal Miners from All Countries are Welcome to Visit “UGOL & MINING - 2012”!
On September 4 to 7 2012 the 12-th International Specialized Processing Technologies and Equipment Exhibition will be held in the specialized exhibition center “Expodonbass”. The exhibition is hosted by: the specialized exhibition center “Expodonbass, Ukraine, and Messe Duesselsdorf, Germany. Along with the manufacturers and suppliers of mining equipment the companies that develop, manufacture and supply a modern compressor equipment, machines, tools, automatic devices, components for mining and processing complex will participate in the exhibition. The overview will state brief results of the previous exhibition, and business program and topics of the forthcoming forum.
International Forum, Exhibition, Mining Equipment, Coal Companies.
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UDC 622.232.8-52 © K. Fitowski, M. Wojtas, 2012
Krzysztof Fitowski
M. Engineer Development Director of
Centrum Hydrauliki Dirk Otto Hennlich Sp. z o.o., Poland
Marek Wojtas
M. Engineer, Manager of Elsta Sp. z o. o, Poland
DOH-matic Eklectrohydraulic Control System by Centrum Hydrauliki
Dirk Otto Hennlich Sp. z o.o.
The article describes the electrohydraulic control system of the mechanized lining DOH-matic offered by the polish firm Centrum Hydrauliki Dirk Otto Hennlich Sp. z o. o., Bitom. Also provided are the components of the system, its capabilities and advantages of its use in modern long wall complexes and results of the system studies performed in mine conditions.
Underground Coal Production, Mechanized Complex, DOH-matric Electrohydraulic Control System, Lining Section Haulage.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +(4832) 397-74-10 |
UDC 622.26:622.281.742:622.232.83.054 © N.G. Chernikh, 2012
Nikolai G. Chernikh
Member of Board of Directors of JSC “ Konsortsium Kuzbasspodzemmashstroi”,
Winner of the USSR State Prize for Science and Engineering and Kuzbass Prize,
Candidate of Engineering
Creation of Adaptive Aggregates for Small-process Progressive
Mine Working Operations
The article provides the results of research engineering performed by the author so as to develop new technical level tunneling machinery (e.g. mining machines, systems and aggregates) for mine working while taking into account its functional and qualitative suitability for the rock environment. The use of the developed tunneling machinery ensuring future high-speed single-process progressive mine working operations will make it possible to dramatically improve the efficiency of using the productive potential of the new technical level coal mines. The overview of the inventions patented by the author of the article is focused on the following: implementation of the new technical and economic level mining equipment, substitution of imported technologies and equipment, introduction of domestic developments with the involvement of major material mining equipment manufacturers and coal companies.
Shaft-sinking and Tunneling, Mine Opening Timbering, Anchoring, Bolting, Mining Machine Work Member.
Contact information
phone: +7(3843) 73-06-19 |
UDC 621.864:622.255 © H. Bertelmann, 2012
Heiner Bertelmann
Dipl. Engineer., Mine Lifting Equipment Project Manager
SIEMAG TECBERG Presents a New Mobile Hoist Generation
for Coal Industry Applications in China
SIEMAG TECBERG has specifically developed and manufactured a mobile mine hoist for Xinwen Coal Group Co», Ltd., China. The hoist is designed as a stand-alone unit for inspection and control of shafts and as an emergency unit for rescuing people in accordance with applicable national mining and machine building regulations. The article provides the description and technical specification of the mobile mine hoist.
Underground Developments, Shaft, People and Equipment Lowering/Lifting in Mines, Mobile Mine Hoist.
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UDC 622.673.2 © Ye.G. Kassikhina, V.V. Pershin, N.O. Butrim, 2012
Yelena G. Kassikhina
Candidate of Engineering
(Surface and Underground Construction Department, KuzSTU)
Vladimir V. Pershin
Doctor of Engineering
(Surface and Underground Construction Department, KuzSTU)
Nikita O. Butrim
Key Specialist of Capital Construction and Investment Activity Department of “UK Mechel-Mining” Ltd
Peculiarities of the Installation of a Multifunctional Stay Leg
A comprehensive approach that implies a combination of new technical solutions using the capabilities of a modern technology and machines will provide a real opportunity of reduction of working hours, cost and times for a long-term mine construction.
Vertical Shaft Equipment, Shorter Transition Period Times due to the Application of Efficient Equipment and Multifunctional Steel Stay Legs
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UDC 622.822.3 © V.G. Igishev, S.A. Syn, 2012
Victor G. Igishev
Deputy Director General of JSC “NIIGD” for Scientific Work,
Academician of Academy of Mining Science, Doctor of Engineering
Sergei A. Syn
Director General of “Azot Service” Ltd
The Present State of the Endogenous Fire Prevention Issue in Kuzbass Mines
The article deals with the change in the endogenous fire safety of the field after the restructuring of the industry and closing of high accident rate mines and shows that a relative accident rate per Endogenous Fire type as estimated by their number per 1 mln tons of underground production is two times as low.
Besides it states that with a wider area of application of long wall face ventilation schemes featuring a discharge of methane through the developed space an adverse effect of the coal dust deposits on the endogenous fire safety has promptly become apparent.
Endogenous Fire, Prevention, Nitrogen, Gas Separation Unit, Spontaneous Combustion of Dust.
Contact information
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UDC 662.765:622.411.332 © Ye.V. Kraynin, S.N. Lazarenko, 2012
Yefim V. Kraynin
Chief Scientific Associate of JSC “Gazprom Promgaz”,
Professor, Doctor of Engineering, Full Member of Russian Academy of Natural Science
Sergei N. Lazarenko
Head of Siberia’s Undergroud Coal Gasification Department in Kemerovo
JSC “Gazprom Promgaz”, Doctor of Engineering
Coal as a Hydrocarbon Raw Material Source
JSC “Gazprom Promgaz” has developed and patented new technical solutions to the intensive methane extraction absorbed by a coal bed and underground coal gasification followed by a synthesis of hydrocarbons at the ground chemical complex.
Methane, Underground Gasification, Methane Coal Bed, Hydrocarbon Synthesis, Hydroimpulsive Dilatation of the Hydrofracture Opening, Thermal Dilatation of Drilling Channels, Hydrocarbon Generation.
Contact information
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UDC 622.33: 338.28 © S.V. Novoselov, A.V. Remezov, V.G. Kharitonov, V.V. Agafonov, 2012
Sergey V. Novoselov
Academician of MANEB, Candidate of Economics
Anatoliy V. Remezov
Professor of RMPI PS Department of T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University,
Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Academician of MANEB
Vitaliy G. Kharitonov
Director General of “UK “Zarechnaya” Ltd,
Candidate of Engineering,
Full Member of Mining Science Academy and Siberian Branch of MANEB
Valery V. Agafonov
Professor of PRPM Department of MSMU,
Doctor of Engineering
Setting up of Diversified Coal Processing Companies – Innovation Policy in the Coal Industry
The article summarizes the issues of innovation development of the coal companies. The basic economic principles of cost-effectiveness of multidisciplinary coal-processing companies.
Coal-Processing Company is a Diversified Energy Technology Carbon Cluster Ugleenergeticheskie Systems, Mine-System, the Value-Added Synergies.
Contact information
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UDC 622.771.6 © A.S. Kirnarskyy, 2012
Anatoliy S. Kirnarskyy
Mineral Resource Benefication Expert of Engineering Dobersek GmbH,
Doctor of Engineering
Anthracite Preparation at the Washing Plant Ibbenburen
At the coal preparation plant Ibbenburen anthracite is preliminary reclaiming, separating on the operating fractions and washing by means of heavy medium separation, jigging and flotation. Water slurry circuit consists of two stages and it distinguishes by not deep clarification of circulating suspension under the equilibrium solid content 20 – 40 g/l. Flotation tailings are thickened in the settling sumps to 600 g/l and then removed to the dumping site, where thickened slime is stored together with coarse coal tailings.
Anthracite, Preparation, Heavy Medium Separation, Jigging, Flotation, Slime.
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UDC 65.012.122:622.33 © A.V. Velikoselsky, D.Ye. Gorev, 2012
Andrei V. Velikoselsky
Deputy Director General – Finance and Economy –
Financial Director of JSC “SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”, Candidate of Economics
Denis Ye. Gorev
Head of Development Department of JSC “SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”
Adoption of the New Risk Management Technology
The article provides the main results of the risk management technology adoption at JSC “SUEK-Krasnoyarsk” aimed at the ensuring a strategic and operative stability of the company, its stable development as well as lower exposure to adverse effects of both internal and external factors.
Integrated Management System, Risk Management, Appearance Probability, Severity of Consequences, Risk Assessment, Risk Effects on the Company’s Activities, Efficiency of Activities.
Contact information
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UDC 622.882:622.33.012«Kuzbassrazrezugol» © O.V. Bychkova, 2012
Olga V. Bychkova
(UK “Kuzbassrazrezugol”)
Contribution to the Nature
A modern coal company within the framework of license requirements should perform a whole set of measures and in fact the mining only accounts for a small part among them. An environmental program and reclaiming in particular plays a special role and for coal miners the reclaiming today is not just an obligatory condition for their work but also a certain economic incentive. For example the European companies which are coal users while they are to a certain extent trendsetters for the environmental regulations require that the suppliers take an equal care of the environment. UK “Kuzbassrazrezugol” which is Russia’s second largest company in terms of coal production and one of the major resource users across Kemerovo region intends to give back to the nature 70 hectares of soil disturbed through the production process. Another 20 hectares will prepared by the coal miners for a biological reclaiming In 2012 the biological stage will be completed at three coal companies. The first in doing so was the branch “Kaltanski Ugolni Razrez’ – where the most large-scale reclaiming of 35 hectares has been performed. The article details the experience of performing reclaiming works at the open-pit mines of “Kuzbassrazrezugol”.
Disturbance of Soils through Open Developments, Reclaiming and Restoration of Soils, Biological Reclaiming, Ecology.
Contact information
phone: +7 (3842) 440-324 (äîá.23-24) |
UDC 622.51:628.33/.35:622.85 © M.A. Ilyashov, O.D. Kozhushok, S.Yu. Reznikov, S.A. Sinyavski, 2012
Mikhail A. Ilyashov
Deputy Director General
PrJSC “Donetsksteel” – Metallurgicheski zavod”, Doctor of Engineering
Oleg D. Kozhushok
Director of Innovative Technologies Department
PrJSC “Donetsksteel” – Metallurgicheski zavod”, Candidate of Engineering
Stanislav Yu. Reznikov
Engineer of Innovative Technologies Department
PrJSC “Donetsksteel” – Metallurgicheski zavod”
Stanislav A. Sinyavski
Engineer of Innovative Technologies Department
PrJSC “Donetsksteel” – Metallurgicheski zavod”
Involvement of Mine Waters into the Economic Turnover
is a Source of the Environmental Improvement for the Region
The article sets forth the main items of Donetsksteel’s program for the use of mine waters in the economic turnover which solves the issue of the improvement of the transfrontier river Severski Donets.
Water Resources, Anthropogenic Contamination, Water Supply Sources, Water Quality, Underground Field, Technical Water, Turnover Cycle, Environment.
Contact information
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UDC 622.882: 631.618.40 © V.A. Androkhanov, A.T. Lavrinenko, 2012
Vladimir A. Androkhanov
Head of laboratory of Recultivation soils, Doctor of Biology,
FGBUN of IPA of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk
Aleksey T. Lavrinenko
Manager. lab of Recultivation lands
GNY NIIAP of Khakasia of Rosselkhozakademiya, Abakan
Acceleration of Processes of a Recultivation of Technogenic Landscapes
at Coal Enterprises ÊÀÒEÊ and Khakasia
Formation of mining dumps in the course of them laying technological shaft and hollows with a korneobitayemy layer technogenic lands, consisting of spreading breeds and PSP of the top vskryshny ledge with ochagovy landing of herbs, bushes and the trees processed by biological products in technological hollows on a surface of dumps.
Tekhnogenno the Broken Soils, an Ochagovy Recultivation, a Korneobitayemy Layer of Dumps, Microbiological Preparations, Ecologically Effective Economically Reasonable Technologies of a Recultivation.
Contact information
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UDC 622.882 © I.V. Zenkov, Ye.V. Kiryushina, 2012
Igor V. Zenkov
Doctor of Engineering
Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Special Engineering and Design Department “Science”
Yelena V. Kiryushina
Senior Teacher
Siberian Federal University
Substantiation of Laying-out of the Quarry Field in Conditions
of Combining Mining Stage Works of the Reclamation and the Daylighting
The article sets out the basic methods of forming a topsoil to be applied on the waste dumps in conditions of combining the mining reclamation and the daylighting using the rail transport and provides the results of the simulation of qualitative indices of the topsoil to be formed when laying out a quarry field to form the sectors for the allocation of provisional fertile soil storage yards.
Open-pit Mining, Daylighting, Quarry Field Laying-out, Soil Mining Reclamation, Topsoil, Qualitative Indices.
Contact information
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UDC 622.861 © P.V. Yemelin, G.S. Sattarova, G.D. Kogai, T.L. Ten, 2012
Pavel V. Yemelin
Head of Emergency Prevention and Risk Management Department
KarNIIPB JSC “NNTTsPB” Emergency Ministry Republic of Kazakhstan,
Doctor of Engineering
Gulmira S. Sattarova
Head of Engineering Protection and Risk Management Laboratory
KarNIIPB JSC “NNTTsPB” Emergency Ministry Republic of Kazakhstan,
Candidate of Engineering
Galina D. Kogai
Head of Computer Engineering and Software Department of KSTU,
Candidate of Engineering, Professor,
Correspondent Member of International IT Academy of Kazakhstan
Tatyana L. Ten
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
(Department of Data-computing Systems
of Karaganda Economic University)
Mining Industry Company Risk Assessment Methods
KarSIofIS within the framework of the State financed scientific work develops “Methods of assessment of risk of failure and class of dander of industrial enterprises of Republic of Kazakhstan”. The base of “Methods…” is algorithm of calculation of risk of failure, determination of quantitative values of level of danger of an industrial object and qualification of its level of danger. It will be made computer system of monitoring of classes of danger and risk assessment on the base of developing “Methods…”.
Computer System of Monitoring, Level of Danger, Risk of Failures, Enterprises of Mining Industry, Class of Danger, Assessment of Danger of Failures Arising, Criteria.
Contact information
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UDC 622.625.2(574) © B.Zh. Khamimolda, N.A. Daniyarov, Yu.N. Shaposhnik, B.B. Togizbaeva, 2012
Baurzhan Zh. Khamimolda
Director of KarNIIPB, Branch of JSC “NNTTsPB” Emergency Ministry Republic of Kazakhstan,
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Nurlan A. Daniyarov
Deputy Director – Scientific Work - KarNIIPB, Branch of JSC “NNTTsPB”
Emergency Ministry Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Engineering
Yuri N. Shaposhnik
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
(Geology and Mining Deaprtment D.Serikbaev VKGTU)
Baglan B. Togizbaeva
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
(Prof. A.N. Daniyarov Industrial Transport Department, KSTU)
Technical Elimination of the Emergency at Nurkazgan Mine
In article is considered the emergencym, which has arisen on underground mine “Nurkazgan» (Kazakhstan, the Karaganda area) as a result of formation of open not supported space in height to 65 m. and the areas of an exposure from 3360 to 5100 ì2. The geological characteristic of a developed deposit is in detail presented, collapse conditions breeds are resulted. For technical liquidation of the arisen situation the effective method of high-frequency detonation a charge is offered, the sequence of necessary technological operations is resulted.
Underground Mine, a Collapse of Breeds, the Exposure Area, High-Frequency Detonation, a Cascade Method of Excitation Charge.
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UDC 622.868 © P.V. Yemelin, S.S. Ustinkov, V.Ya. Sergeyev, M.K. Baimuldin, 2012
Pavel V. Yemelin
Head of Emergency Prevention and Risk Management Department
KarNIIPB JSC “NNTTsPB” Emergency Ministry Republic of Kazakhstan,
Doctor of Engineering
Sergei S. Ustinkov
Principal Engineer, Master
(KarNIIPB JSC “NNTTsPB” Emergency Ministry Republic of Kazakhstan)
Victor Ya. Sergeyev
Manager of DOUP Registration Office of KSTU,
Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor
Murat K. Baimuldin
Head of Data System Department of KSTU,
Candidate of Engineering
Control of Gas Emission in Beds Susceptible to Spontaneous Combustion
at Karaganda Coal Field Mines
Obtained results of research can be the base for undertaking of analysis and prognostic assessment of situation on production unit on the position of fire-explosive safety, need of development of engineering and technical measures for raising of endogenous fire safety and explosive safety of each compartment of mined out space. The performed research allows to motivate and prove practically the period of effective work of gas drainage based on the value of gas factor on coal banks which have proclivity to spontaneous combustion.
Mined Out Space, Endogenous Fire, Fire-Explosive Safety, Degassing of Coal Banks, Spontaneous Combustion.
Contact information
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UDC 622.673.1 © F.N. Bulatbaev, A.D. Mekhtiyev, V.V. Likhachev, 2012
Feliks N. Bulatbaev
Deputy Director of Extra-mural and Distant Education College (EDEC) of KSTU,
Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor
Ali D. Mekhtiyev
Head of Department “Communication System Technologies” of KSTU,
Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor
Vladimir V. Likhachev
Head of Informatics Department of KSTU,
Candidate of Engineering
Mine Lifting Machine Braking Unit Swivel Joint Wear Reduction
The analysis of contacts’ tension arrival is made according to the geometrical shape and plug contacts’ surface area with an aim of developing recommendations for improving the mining elevating machines’ articulation resource.
Mine, Elevating Machine, Break System, Mechanism, Articulation, Contacts, Tension, Surface Area, Plugs, Imitation, Modeling.
Contact information
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UDC 622.41.001.4 © Zh.B. Bakirov, V.S. Portnov, G.D. Tazhenova, N.S. Malybaev, 2012
Zhetpisbai B. Bakirov
Head of Mechanics Department of KSTU,
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Vasiliy S. Portnov
Director of Educational Process Organization Department of KSTU,
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Gulzada D. Tazhenova
Candidate of Engineering
(Mechanics Department of KSTU)
Nurlan S. Malybaev
Head of Mining Machine and Equipment Department of KSTU,
Candidate of Engineering
Calculation of Vibration Isolators under Impact Actions
There are considered problems of calculating of nonlinear vibration isolators at shock affects. There are obtained formulas of linearization coefficients of elastic characteristics of nonlinear vibration isolators at shock loading. The obtained results allow to choose the optimal parameters of the system of vibration protection of mining equipment elements, that increase reliability and durability of the equipment as a whole.
Nonlinear Vibration Isolator, Shock Affects, Coefficient of Vibration Isolation, Vibration Protection.
Contact information
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UDC 622.33.031 © K.K. Kushekov, 2012
Kairgali K. Kushekov
Doctorant of KSTU, Candidate of Engineering
Estimation of Karaganda Coal Field Coking Coal Development Technology Issues
In general the realization of the offered technological developments will allow to rise the underground fund of the Karaganda basin onto the qualitatively new level of development.
Underground Mining; Mining Face; Development, Preparation and Development Systems; Cleaning Units, Coking Coals, Coal Beds; Coal Area; Section; Mines.
Contact information
phone: +7 (7212) 56-44-22; e-mail: |
UDC 622.831.22.016 © S.B. Aliev, V.F. Demin, K.K. Kushekov, 2012
Samat B. Aliev
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
(Business Activity Development Department of Eurasian Economic Committee)
Vladimir F. Demin
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
(Mineral Resource Field Development Department of KSTU)
Kairgali K. Kushekov
Doctorant of KSTU, Candidate of Engineering
Studies of Deflected Mode of Pack Development Openings
The research carried out have allowed to establish the mechanism of displays of mining pressure in the protection of developments workings by the rock isolating-bearing structures, as well as to define effect and the expediency of the rock security strips and their parameters on the stability of developments workings.
Rocks, Development Openings, Open Area, Mining and Geological Conditions, Mining and Technical Conditions, Geomechanical Simulation, Computer-aided Designing, Rock Strata Movement Processes, Deflected Mode of Massif.
Contact information
phone: +7 (7212) 56-44-22; e-mail: |