UDC 622.33«312/313» © Ugol, 2011
“Ugol magazine” LLC
Materials from session of Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation on April, 14th, 2011 concerning “About a condition and prospects of development of the coal industry of Russia”
At session of Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation the question on April, 14th, 2011 is considered: “About a condition and prospects of development of the coal industry of Russia” substantive provisions of the Long-term program of development of the coal industry of Russia till 2030 also are approved. It is noted, that as a result of the lead transformations the structure of the Russian coal industry has qualitatively changed. Its kernel became modern and sometimes rather successful enterprises which realize long-term projects of development. For example, in 2010 of the investment into a fixed capital of branch have made more than 56 billion rbl., that on 30% it is more, than in previous. The stenogram of session, endurance from performances of participants of session, the information of Ministry for the energy of Russia on a condition and prospects of development of the coal industry of Russia are presented.
The coal industry, the program of development, prospect of coal industry, the investment, breakdown susceptibility and industrial traumatism.
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UDC 622.33«312/313» © Ministry of energy of Russia, 2011
The press-service of Ministry of energy of Russia
Minister of energy of the Russian Federation S.I. Shmatko has held meeting on development of the coal industry of Russia
Before session of Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation on which the question on development of coal industry was considered, the meeting at minister of energy of the Russian Federation with heads of the coal companies took place. At meeting there was a director of Department of the coal and peat industry of Ministry of energy of Russia of K.Ju. Alexeev, representatives of the ministry, and also heads of the coal companies "SUEK", "Kuzbassrazrezugol”, "Mechel", “Russian coal”, "Severstal-resource”, "SDS-Ugol”, "Holding Sibuglemet", "EurazHolding", "Juzhkuzbassugol”, "Mine Belovskaja”, "Belon", "Siberia-ugol", “GURSH”, “SOTSUGOL”. In the review of meeting performances of participants are presented. Representatives of the coal companies have told about problems of branch. Summing up meetings on development of domestic coal branch, minister of power of Russian Federation Ñ.È. Øìàòêî has noted, that realization of the Long-term program of development of the coal industry of Russia for the period till 2030 assumes development of concrete projects. « The long-term program of development of coal branch should not become the paper document, it becomes the state priority », - minister has declared.
The coal industry, the program of development, prospect of coal industry, the investment, breakdown susceptibility and industrial traumatism.
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UDC 061.43:622.002.5(100) © Company "Expo-Siberia”, 2011
Company "Expo-Siberia”
The Kuzbass international coal forum “Expo-Ugol 2011”
Coal of Kuzbas - plans, prospects, the future …
From September, 20 till September, 23th, 2011 to Kemerovo will pass the Kuzbass international coal forum “Expo-Ugol 2011” where all infrastructure of coal branch will be presented: coal mechanical engineering, a coal science, technologies of coal mining and coal preparation, coal market, coal power. In the review brief results of a last year's forum, the scientific and business program of a forthcoming forum, thematic sections of an exhibition-fair are presented.
The international forum, exhibition, mining equipment, coal enterprises.
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UDC 553.94/.96:622.7:622.33.003.1 © I.P. Krapchin, T.I. Kuzmina, 2011
Krapchin Ivan Petrovich
Doctor econ. sciences, the professor, corr.-member of the RAES
(Institute of combustible minerals)
Kuzmina Tatyana Ivanovna
Cand. econ. sciences, the professor
(The Moscow state open university)
Technical opportunities and economic efficiency of expansion of spheres and directions of use of coals in foreseeable prospect
In article results of scientific researches about a role of coal in foreseeable prospect are resulted. The problem is solved on the basis of a technical and economic estimation of the technologies promoting increase of a share of coal in fuel balance of the country and providing: improvement of quality of coals as power fuel; use of coals for production with new consumer properties; processing of coals and waste of coal manufacture in production fuel and not fuel purpose.
Technologies of processing of coals, an economic estimation of technologies of processing of coals.
Contact information
phone: +7-916-652-28-27; e-mail: |
UDC 622.232.72.054:622.34 © Ju.P. Volchok, M.A. Malcher, 2011
Volchok Jury Petrovich
OJSC “Kopeysky a machine-building factory”
Malcher Mark Alekseevich
Main designer OJSC “Kopeysky a machine-building factory”
Experience of creation of cutting loading machines of cyclic action with a drum-type
Stages of creation of domestic combines of cyclic action with a drum-type agency, distinctive features of designs, possible scopes are described.
Combine of cyclic action, drum-type, sights, industrial tests.
Contact information
phone: +7 (35139) 7-34-04 |
UDC 658.8.03:622.3.002.5(100) © “Sibtechnotreyd” LLC, 2011
“Sibtechnotreyd” LLC
“Sibtechnotreyd” - a superconductor in the market of mining technics
In article is told about company "Sibtechnotreyd” which carries out deliveries of the foreign mining and mining-concentrating equipment for the coal enterprises of Kuzbass, in particular about deliveries of the equipment of firms Schenck Process (Germany) and DOSCO (UK).
Mining equipment, tunneling miner a combine, concentrating equipment, a roar, coal enterprises, mine, concentrating factory.
Contact information
phone: +7 (3842) 490-499; e-mail: |
UDC 622.831.325.3:622.33.012.2 © G.M. Zolotaryov, 2011
Zolotaryov Grigory Mihajlovich
President of the Moscow regional branch the International Academy
of sciences of ecology and safety of ability to live, doctor tech. sciences, the professor
“Zolotaryov's safe colliery”
New schemes of decontamination in mine are offered. Decontamination of the developed space of a lava is carried out due to tap of a proceeding jet, including methane from the developed space, on a surface on the special ventilating channel between conveyor and ventilating schtrekes. Decontamination lava of a layer is carried out due to the chinks inclined to a face in diameter of 200 mm through which force a water-air jet and suck away a dusty proceeding jet on the ventilating channel.
The ventilating channel, decontamination of the developed space, decontamination lava of a layer.
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UDC 622.33 «312/313» © AKR, 2011
Administration of the Kemerovo region
The international scientifically-practical conference “Coal in economic”
On May, 5-6th, 2011 in a Kemerovo - the expanded session of the Russian organizing committee of the World Mining Congress “Coal the International scientifically-practical conference took place in economic”. At a forum the basic problems were discussed: a role and a place of coal in fuel balances of the countries of the world; development of coal generation, including on the basis of ecologically pure technologies; deep processing of coal and reception of products with the high added cost. Endurances from performances of the governor of the Kemerovo region of A.G. Tuleev, the deputy minister of energy of the Russian Federation A.B. Yanovsky, the senator from Kuzbass of S.V. Shatirov are presented. During discussion at conference the objective estimation of a role of coal in economic at the present stage has been given and corresponding recommendations on coordination of the solidary actions directed on increase of efficiency of its use and reduction of influence of risks on development of the coal industry and international trade by coal are developed. The information is accompanied by diagrams from the report “the Role of coal in economy of Russia”, lecturer G.L. Krasnjansky, chairman of Russian organizing committee WMC.
The coal industry, the program of development, prospect of coal industry, the investment, breakdown susceptibility and industrial traumatism.
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UDC 622.481.24 © Collective of authors, 2011
Ivushkin Anatoly Alekseevich
General director of company "UC "Sibshahtostroy”,
doctor tech. sciences, the professor
Venger Konstantin Gennadevich
Technical director of company "UC "Sibshahtostroy”
Magdych Victor Ivanovich
Assistant to technical director on development
of company "UC "Sibshahtostroy”,
cand. tech. sciences, senior lecturer
Ivushkin Konstantin Anatolevich
General director of company “Novokuznetsk shahtostroymontazh
management No 6”, cand. econ. sciences
Chichindaev Michael Georgievich
General director of company "Sibshahtostroyproekt"
Modernization of objects of power system
In article the information on a condition warmly generating capacities of Kuzbass and a new series of water-heating boilers of manufacture of company "UC "Sibshahtostroy”, opportunities of use as fuel for development of thermal energy highly cindery coals and waste preparation processing, necessities of modernization of existing boiler-houses and variants of reconstruction of boiler units is resulted.
Boilers water-heating, coal boiler-houses, low-calorie and highly cindery kinds of fuel, waste preparation processing, reconstruction of boiler-houses.
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UDC 658.511.3:622.232 © V.Ja. Afanasev, Ju.N. Linnik, V.Ju. Linnik, 2011
Afanasev Valentine Jakovlevich
Pro-rector on scientific work the State university of management,
doctor econ. sciences, the professor
Linnik Jury Nikolaevich
The professor of faculty of economy and management in oil-and-gas
complex of the State university of management,
doctor tech. sciences, the professor
Linnik Vladimir Jurevich
Senior lecturer of faculty of economy and management in oil-and-gas
complex of the State university of management, cand. tech. sciences
Parameters of work of the coal industry of Russia in the field of mechanization of underground mining
Results of the analysis of the basic parameters of work of collieries for last ten years on the basic coal-mining regions of Russia on the basis of which are drawn conclusions on levels of technical and technological equipment of lavas are resulted.
Mine, lava, daily average coal mining, capacity of a layer, the miner combine, systems, the mechanized complex.
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UDC 622.284.74:622.625.6 © M.V. Lysenko, A.V. Samok, G.V. Rajko, P.V. Grechishkin, 2011
Lysenko Maxim Vladimirovich
Expert on anchor to fastening of company “RANK 2”
Samok Alexey Vladimirovich
Engineer-technologist of company “RANK 2”
Rajko Galina Viktorovna
Engineer-technologist of company “RANK 2”
Grechishkin Paul Vladimirovich
Scientific employee of Laboratory of geotechnology development
of coal deposits Institute Uglya the SR of the RAS, cand. tech. sciences
Anchor ÀÊ 01: fastening of pendant monorail road
The article is devoted to technology and experience of fastening of pendant monorail roads.
Anchor ÀÊ 01, a nut-pendant, monorail pendant road.
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UDC 622.33(470):658.155 © I.G. Tarazanov, 2011
Tarazanov Igor Gennadjevich
Deputy editor-in-chief of “Ugol” magazine, mining engineer
Results of work of the coal mining industry of Russia for January-March, 2011
On the basis of statistical, technical and economic and industrial parameters the state-of-the-art review of results of work of the coal industry of Russia for January-March, 2011 is presented. The review is accompanied by diagrams, tables and extensive statistical data.
A coal mining, economy, productivity, processing of coal, the market of coal, delivery, export and import of coal.
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UDC 331.87:622.33 © M.M. Klyuyev, 2011
Klyuyev Michael Mihajlovich
The post-graduate student of “CNIEIugol”
Methodical positions by a system estimation of complexity of engineering work in the coal-mining organizations
The system estimation of complexity of work of experts is necessary now not only for differentiation of official salaries and extra charges to them, but also for the effective analysis of productivity of work, increase of a level of validity of certification of the engineering staff in view of all basic aspects of their activity. These questions require the further development and perfection in view of the present stage of technical, organizational and social and economic development of coal-mining manufacture in conditions of market attitudes.
System estimation of complexity of work of experts, the working conditions, carried out labour functions, a scale of mark estimations.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 777-18-71 |
UDC 338.45.5:622.33 © S.Ju. Shapovalov, 2011
Shapovalov Sergey Jurevich
The partner of the legal company “Tax help”
Expensive ambiguity of the new order of calculation NDPI
The first legal comment to the Federal law from December, 28th, 2010 425-ÔÇ “About modification in chapter 25 and 26 parts of the Russian Federation second the Tax code”. The article is devoted to one of the main questions of the new law: how to define the charges connected with maintenance of safe conditions and a labour safety at a coal mining.
NDPI, the Law 425-FZ, the taxation of coal output.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 771-7517 |
UDC 622. © V.G. Haritonov, A.V. Remezov, S.V. Novoselov, 2011
Haritonov Vitaly Gennadevich
General director of company UK "Zarechnaya”, cand. tech. sciences
Remezov Anatoly Vladimirovich
Doctor tech. sciences, the professor of faculty RMPI PS GOU KuzGtU
Novoselov Sergey Veniaminovich
The scientific employee of company INP "Impulse", cand. econ. sciences
Laws of updating and transformation of mine-systems of type: SDS, RTS, MFMS in conditions of changes TNP and market conditions TER
In article approaches to a choice of alternative type of mine-system are briefly stated at realization of strategy technological diversifikation in concrete conditions that provides long-term and its stable functioning.
The cyclic law of development of updatings, transformation of mine, capacity, functionality, coal, gas, the electric power, thermal energy, alternative.
Contact information
phone: +7-905-908-95-82; +7 (3842) 39-69-09; +7-950-273-31-86 |
UDC 331.874:622.271.4:621.879.3.001.86 © Collective of authors, 2011
Kukarenko Andrey Ivanovich
Technical director of company "Primorskugol"
Lomovtsev Valery Vladimirovich
Director RU “Novoshahtinskoe” of company "Primorskugol"
Deaconov Andrey Viktorovich
Chief engineer RU “Novoshahtinskoe” of company "Primorskugol"
Shestakov Innokenty Georgievich
Deputy director on manufacture
RU “Novoshahtinskoe” of company "Primorskugol"
Postojalkin Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Assistant to the chief engineer on technology
RU “Novoshahtinskoe” of company "Primorskugol"
Kosyh Sergey Vladimirovich
Leading engineer on ASUP
RU “Novoshahtinskoe” of company "Primorskugol"
Kovshura Sergey Vladimirovich
Assistant to the chief engineer on mining
RU “Novoshahtinskoe” of company "Primorskugol"
Soboleva Elena Evgenevna
Miningtransport dispatcher
RU “Novoshahtinskoe” of company "Primorskugol"
Hazhiev Vadim Asljamovich
Scientific employee of OJSC "STC-NIIOGR", cand. tech. sciences
Role of the organization of manufacture at modernization
In article practical experience of introduction of a new dredge is stated, the key role of organizational actions in increase of productivity of the equipment is shown. The balance of replaceable fund of time, reflecting presence of "narrow" places in production, and also results of current work is presented.
The technological scheme, complex brigade, balance of replaceable fund of time, productive operating time of a dredge, organizational reserve, increase of productivity.
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UDC 061.3:331.87:622.33 © A.B. Kilin, V.A. Azev, A.L. Zhukov, 2011
Kilin Alexey Bogdanovich
General director of company "SUEK-Khakasia”, cand. tech. sciences
Azev Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Technical director of company "SUEK-Khakasia”
Zhukov Alexander Leonidovich
Scientific employee of OJSC "STC-NIIOGR", cand. tech. sciences
Involving of chiefs of sites in process of continuous perfection of manufacture
On April, 18-21th, 2011 within the limits of work on increase of efficiency and safety of manufacture in Chernogorskij branch "SUEK" has been held a seminar “School of the chief of a site”. 22 chiefs of a site, general and technical directors of association, and also director of the enterprises have taken part In a seminar. Result of work of each chief of a site became the program of perfection of manufacture developed on 2011-2012 in the zone of the responsibility.
Perfection of manufacture, chiefs of sites, coal-mining association, planning of development.
Contact information
phone: +7(39031) 5-58-69; +7(351) 265-55-04;
e-mail:;; |
UDC 004.942:[662.66:658.567.1] © S.P. Mochalov, I.A. Rybenko, P.S. Mochalov, 2011
Mochalov Sergey Pavlovich
Doctor tech. sciences, the professor, rector GOU VPO “SibGIU”
Rybenko Inna Anatolevna
Cand. tech. sciences, senior lecturer GOU VPO “SibGIU”
Mochalov Paul Sergeevich
Post-graduate student GOU VPO “SibGIU”
Mathematical modelling of stationary modes of burning of waste coal preparation in adiabatic chamber
In article data on mathematical modelling and optimization of stationary modes of burning of water-coal fuel (VUT) are cited. At modelling process the problem of definition of possible equilibrium structures of products which can turn out as a result of course of processes of burning VUT at various temperatures was solved.
Water-coal suspensions, mathematical modelling, material balance, adiabatic chamber.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (3843) 46-35-02 |