УГОЛЬ № 6-2009
LLC "PROMTEK" (Ekaterinburg) MPV JSC “POISK, А.S.” (Anthracite, Ukraine) Versatile industrial JSC “POISK, A.S.” 15 years in the market mining equipment Mobile installations and pneumatic pumps for откачки mine water are presented mobile extraction of gas PDU-50M intended for decontamination of coal layers, containing breeds and the developed space in underground conditions and from a surface, and also. Contact - e-mail: poisk@an.lg.ua ; promtek@mail.ru |
LLC "SPK-Styk" (Novokuznetsk) "VOLCANO " mechanical connection of conveyor tapes New types of connections of the conveyor tapes, developed LLC "SPK-Styk”, namely "Volcano" - mechanical connection rubber and fabric conveyor tapes (“Cold vulcanization by means of mechanical connectors”) are described. "Volcano" is alternative of the glutinous and vulcanized connections, is applied to creation of joints of high durability. The typical scheme of joining is presented. Also it is presented developed by company "SPK-Styk” and the connection started in manufacture "Volcano-blitz" for the accelerated connection of conveyor tapes at mine works, and also for repair of longitudinal cuts of all types of tape cloths. Contact - e-mail: info@spk-sibir.ru |
UDC 621.63«VC-25M» Gorshkov Oleg Vladimirovich Kutaev Vitaly Ivanovich Snizhko Valery Dmitrievich Modernization of fan VTS-25M with the purpose of increase of productivity The scheme of modernization of the mine fan of main airing VC-25M of manufacture of Artemovskij a machine-building factory «VENTPROM» is described. Constructive and technical advantages of the modernized fan are resulted. Contact - e-mail: pischikov@mail.ru |
UDC 338.911:331.012:658.155:622.33.012«SUEK» Artemyev Vladimir Borisovich Kilin Alexey Bogdanovich Galkin Vladimir Alekseevich Problems of formation of an innovative control system of efficiency and safety of manufacture in conditions of financial crisis In article the urgency of innovative activity in conditions of financial crisis is described. Experience of company "SUEK" on formation of an innovative control system by efficiency and safety of manufacture is analyzed and the basic problems constraining this process come to light. Contact - e-mail: niiogr@bk.ru |
UDC 331.87:338.911:622.33.012 Poleshchuk Marina Nikolaevna Algorithm of formation and functioning of innovative groups of the coal-mining enterprise The algorithm of formation and functioning of innovative groups of the coal-mining enterprise which application allows to raise accuracy of planning and efficiency of realization of an innovation is developed. Contact -e-mail: niiogr@bk.ru |
UDC 338.45:658.155:622.33.012«Zarechnaja» Starikov Alexander Petrovich Haritonov Vitaly Gennadevich Development of scientifically-methodical base and realization of directions of innovative development of the coal company In article the essence of innovative model of technological development and a way of becoming in conditions of the market of one of the advanced industrial formations of branch - Coal company "Mine «Zarechnaja» are considered. The complex parameter of an estimation of economic efficiency of a coal-mining production association in modern conditions is offered, methods of management are recommended by innovative processes at formation of innovative programs, development and an estimation of efficiency of investment processes. Contact - e-mail: tb-9@mail.ru |
Glinina Olga Ivanovna Prospects and potential of the Russian markets of coal. On results of 4-th international conference “Coaltrans Russia 2009” Conference “Coaltrans” has returned to Russia during an astable condition of the international coal markets, giving to participants a valuable opportunity to estimate prospect and potential of the Russian markets - both internal, and export - in conditions of a changeable international business climate. At conference “Coaltrans Russia 2009” the most essential questions for today and problems with which has collided were considered and still the coal industry of Russia will collide. The basic theme of discussion became a global economic situation, and more than 40 lecturers shined problems which this situation puts before us. In the review the basic performances and reports of participants of conference - leading experts from the various countries are presented all. Contact -e-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru |
Tarazanov Igor Gennadjevich Results of work of the coal mining industry of Russia for January-March, 2009 On the basis of statistical, technical and economic and industrial parameters the state-of-the-art review of results of work of the coal industry of Russia for January-March, 2009 is presented. The review is accompanied by diagrams, tables and extensive statistical data. Contact - е-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru |
UDC 622.831.1.016.62 Nikolsky Alexander Mihajlovich Geomechanical an estimation of the intense condition of a decreasing sight at the approach of a lava to the dismantling chamber Results of mathematical modelling of the intense condition of a decreasing sight are stated at the approach of a lava to the dismantling chamber. The estimation of an opportunity of effective development of a method of the directed hydrobreak for management of a roof is executed. Contact - e-mail: tards@mail.ru |
UDC 333:622.882:622.271.003.1 Zenkov Igor Vladimirovich Voronova Ekaterina Ivanovna Economic a substantiation of transition to new model of land tenure in coal-mining regions of Siberia In article calculation of balance of land tenure in conditions of the open coal output in two strategic directions of withdrawal of the grounds is resulted: rekultivation created (a classical direction) and culture technical land reclamation in contours of processable fields with drawing on cleared away sites of a fertile layer of the ground which has been removed in contours of mining taps. Decrease in payments for the agricultural grounds withdrawn from a turn at a rate of 1,0-1,2 billion rbl. for the 10-years period in a format of one large coal corporation can be reached at transition to new model of land tenure. Contact - e-mail: zenkoviv@mail.ru |
GU "Sotsugol" informs: Situation on labour markets of coal-mining territories It is presented it is information-state-of-the-art review about a situation on labour markets in coal-mining territories. As of 01.05.2009 in the coal industry are dismissed 12,9 thousand person (or 8,3 % of average number on the beginning of year), 14,3 thousand person Incomplete working hours, number of the workers who are being idle time on fault of administration work, 1,9 thousand person makes. From are dismissed workers it is employed only 12,2%, basically on branches of the coal companies. For this period 2009 has made weekly average rate of liberation of workers of branch 807 person. The review is accompanied by tables and diagrams with statistical data. Contact - e-mail: gvd@sotsugol.ru |
Grun Valery Dmitrievich Interview with Mark Burshtejn 90 lived years - not a record of longevity, and 66 years of work in one branch - can be too not a unique case, but one of the rare. So much years live and Mark Aleksandrovich Burshtejn whom we have congratulated on these achievements in May number of our magazine works in the coal industry. And today we have asked of Mark Aleksandrovich to answer our questions in a new heading «Coal-mining heritage». The historical heritage is not only museum values, first of all, it is the deserved people who create history. Contact - e-mail: gvd@sotsugol.ru |
UDC 622.85:622.33:658.26 Krasnoshtejn Arcady Evgenevich Zakirov Danir Galemzjanovich Power and environmental problems of development of the coal industry and a way of their decision In article in detail shined power and environmental problems of development of the coal industry of Russia and ways of their decision are offered. Problems of increase power efficiency and preservations of the environment are considered within the limits of coal-power enterprise, creation of own sources of electric power, introduction power technologies, use of secondary power resources, mine methane, mine water. The basic technical directions on realization of principles ecology the enterprises of coal industry are developed and formulated. Contact - e-mail: awup@perm.ru |