UDC 622.33.012(571.17) © HC “SDS-Ugol”, 2012
Holding Company “SDS-Ugol”
Holding “SDS-Ugol” – Stable Development
Holding Company “SDS-Ugol” (industrial branch of “Sybirski Delovoy Soyuz” Holding) saw a powerful development spurt in 2011. The company enjoys a firm third position among Kuzbass coal companies. Its performance exceeds 2010 figures by 50% with 20.2 mln t of coal produced. The total performance of HC “SDS-Ugol” and “Prokopyevskugol” Amalgamation accounted for 22.4 mln t of coal allowing “SDS" coal miners to rank among Russia’s three coal industry leaders in terms of the annual output. The company is planning to further increase its output by 40% in 2012 up to 28 mln t. The article provides the performances of the company’s facilities in 2011 and gives some details of the facilities' technical upgrade and the near-term development outlook. The article includes some pictures and diagrams.
Coal Production, Coal Company, Efficiency, Achievements, Records, Safety, Social Partnership, Innovations, Technical Upgrade, Investment, Development Outlook.
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UDC 622.33.012«SUEK-Kuzbass» (571.17) © I. Nakonechnikov, 2012
Ilja Nakonechnikov
Company “SUEK-Kuzbass”: 2011 Summed UP
The article provides some details about “SUEK-Kuzbass” and the coal producers it is made up of as well as relates the successes and developments of the company’s facilities in 2011 and its near-term plans Also detailed are technical upgrade and innovation implementation issues.
Coal Production, Mine, Degassing, Technical Upgrade, Innovations.
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UDC 622.332(571.51) © N.I. Laletin, 2012
Nikolai I. Laletin
Deputy Chief Executive Officer –
Technical Director of Company “SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”
Company “SUEK-Krasnoyarsk” 2011: Stability and Development
The article states the performances of Company “SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”'s facilities in 2011 as well as the technical projects implemented in 2011 which are important for the company in terms of efficiency.
Coal Company, Coal Production, Open-pit Mine, Benefication Factory, Technical Solutions, Investment.
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UDC 658.155:622.33(470):65.016.8 © A.V. Moiseenkov, 2012
Andrei V. Moiseenkov
Director of FSBI “GURSh”, Candidate of Economics
FSBI “GURSh” Performance in 2011.
Problems and Prospects In Implementing Especially Unprofitable
Mine Liquidation Measures
The article details the performance of FSBI “GURSh” in implementing its program of liquidating especially unprofitable mines and provides a general assessment of Russia’s coal industry conversion results. It states the figures which characterize the current work results as well as problem situations at the conversion completion stage.
Coal Industry, Conversion, Mining and Environment Monitoring, Environment, Social Infrastucture.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 691-11-67 |
UDC 331.96:622.33(470):65.016.8 © S.I. Starchevski, A.Yu. Tushev, 2012
Sergei I. Starchevski
First Deputy Director of FSBI “SOTSUGOL”
Andrei Y. Tushev
Head of Department of FSBI “SOTSUGOL”,
Candidate of Economics
Main Activities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution For Coordination of Local Development Programs and Social Problem Solution Caused by Coal Industry Company Conversion “SOTSUGOL” in 2011
The article highlights the major results of FSBI “SOTSUGOL”’s providing public services for a comprehensive social security in 2011. The most important aspect of the social security is providing the former employees of the industry with free (allowance) coal for their household needs. Another major aspect of the social security and public services provided by FSBI “SOTSUGOL” is an additional provision of pensions for the employees of the industry who have title to retirement (non-state pensions). The process of transmigration of the former employees of the industry from the Extreme North and equivalent areas ranks high in the list of the socially-oriented conversion program tasks.
Comprehensive Social Security for Employees, Allowance Coal, Additional Provision of Pensions, Transmigration of the Employees of the Industry
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UDC 061.3:658.155:622.33(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2012
Olga I. Glinina
Leading Editor of “Ugol” Magazine,
Mining Engineer
Russian Coal Markets Conference 2011 Overview
On December 6 to 7 2011 in Renaissance Hotel, Moscow an international conference “Russian Coal Markets Conference 2011” hosted by McCloskey Group, UK and supported by RUSMET Company Group Russia was held. Russian Coal Markets Conference 2011 is one of the most authoritative forums of the global coal business and held for coal producers and consumers, trading companies, traders, financiers, carriers and logistics operators The conference involved the ceos of the global utility companies, entities, financial institutes, powerful governmental figures and the industry’s leading specialists. This publication provides some extracts from the main reports and speeches. The overview includes some diagrams.
Coal Industry, Coal Market, Coking Coal, Traders, Investment, Logistics, Ports, Efficiency.
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UDC 622.232.8-771 © A.G. Demchenko, 2012
Aleksandr G. Demchenko
Director General of “Biotol Group" Ltd
Quicker and Safer Reinstallations of Long Wall Systems in Russia
The article provides the latest technical achievements in installation & dismantling works within mines, analyzes their applications including both technologies and equipment, studies the efficiency of applying up-to-date technologies and equipment when reinstalling long wall systems and gives conclusions on the necessity of establishing a specialized reinstallation company.
Long Wall System, Support Unit, Reinstallation, Efficiency.
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UDC 622.73:621.926.32 © HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH, 2012
Continued Success of HAZEMAG Crusher Application
The article provides the crushing equipment supplied by HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH, Germany for coal industry companies especially a roll screen feeder and high performance double-roll crushers.
Coal and Rock Mass Processing, Roll Screen Feeder, Double-roll Crusher, Fraction, Crusher Capacity.
Contact information
phone: +49 25 94/ 77-0; fax: +49 25 94/ 77-400; e-mail: |
UDC 061.3:622.232.83-56:621.316.345 © “MK Ilma” Ltd, 2012
“MK Ilma” Ltd
KP21DR Coal-plough Machine Quality and Upgrade
The article gives an overview of the conference on the quality of KP21DR coal-plough machine held at “MK Ilma”, Tomsk on February 9 to 10 2012.
Quality Conference, KP21 Coal-plough Machine, SEU KP21DR Control System, Production Upgrading.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (3822) 42-80-54 |
UDC 622.675.42-592.2 © T. Neumann, 2012
Thomas Neumann
Sales Manager for Eastern Europe
EMG Automation GmbH, Germany
Electrohydraulic Pushers for Mine Applications
The article gives the presentation of EMG Automation GmbH which has been known for years as a leading manufacturer of reliable electrohydraulic pushers for mine applications. It provides electrohydraulic pushers for mine applications as a main brake element.
Brakes, Pushers, Reliability, Safety.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: + 7 (916) 100-24-72 |
UDC 622.33(470):658.155 © I.G. Tarazanov, 2012
Igor G. Tarazanov
Deputy Chief Editor of “Ugol' Magazine,
Mining Engineer
Russia’s Coal Industry Performance in 2011
The article provides an analytical review of Russia’s coal industry performance in 2011 on the basis of statistical, technical & economic and production figures. The review contains diagrams, tables and comprehensive statistical data.
Coal Production, Economy, Efficiency, Coal Processing, Coal Market, Supply, Coal Exports and Imports.
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UDC 662.765 © A.P. Starikov, V.G. Kharitonov, A.I. Gordienko, 2012
Aleksandr P. Starikov
Chair of Board of Directors of “Coal Company “Zarechnaya” Ltd,
Candidate of Economics
Vitaly G. Kharitonov
Director General of “Coal Company “Zarechnaya” Ltd,
Candidate of Engineering
Aleksandr I. Gordienko
Director of Directorate of Innovation GPU
Outlook for Integrated Coal Processing in Russia through Gasification Getting High Added Value Products
Along with traditional technologies and ways of coal consumption for power generation, heat engineering, metallurgical and chemical production and household sector applications it’s a global practice to pay serious attention to scientific and production activities related to a non-traditional use of coal. Industrial technologies of predominantly underground coal gasification, coal liquefaction, water-coal fuel mixtures and boiling layer coal combustion are being created and introduced. Underground coal gasification (UCG) enables the coal fields to be used by converting coal into combustible gasses for industrial use. The most developed integrated coal processing solutions at the moment are the combustible gas and medium-temperature coke production technologies offered and successfully tested on the industrial scale at the heat production installations based on the domestic technology. The benefits of the underground coal gasification are cost effectiveness, high labor safety and minimal impact on the environment.
Gassification, Pyrolysis, Fixed Layer, Fluidizated Layer, Methanol, Benzine, Synthetic Gas, Vortex Flow.
Contact information
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UDC 622.765 © A.S. Kirnarski, 2012
Anatoly S. Kirnarski
Mineral Benefication Expert
Engineering Dobersek GmbH, Doctor of Engineering
Coal Benefication Waste Dehydration Without Using Press-filters and Decanters
The article details the structure and technological peculiarities of dehydration technology and coal benefication waste storage without using press-filters and decanters which involves a phased sludge condensation to solid contents of 750 g/l and subsequent mixing of condensed product of this density with fine and/or large rocks.
Coal Benefication, Filtration Installations, Coal Humidity, Flotation Waste.
Contact information
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UDC 622.73:622.33 © Yu.L. Gitis, 2012
Yuliya L. Gitis
Special Correspondent of
Moscow State Mining University (MSMU) Publishing House
Responsible Partner. Choosing a Machinery Supplier
The article describes the experience of choosing a foreign mining machinery manufacturer. The author emphasizes the vendor’s desire to choose a manufacturer who ideally meets the expectations and requirements of the Russian market.
Roll Crusher, Disintegrator, Vibration Feeder, Benefication, Crushing, Desintegration.
Contact information
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UDC 622.78:622.332.002.68:662.74 © S.R. Islamov, 2012
Sergei R. Islamov
Director General of Energy Technological Company “Sibtermo”,
Doctor of Engineering
Conversion of Low Grade Coals into a High Calorie Fuel
This article is intended to discuss the possibilities of using a high-calorie medium-temperature coke (thermocoke) as a high-calorie component of mix fuels for energy applications.
Brown Coal, Thermocoke, Mix Fuel, Benefication, Thermal Processing.
Contact information
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UDC 658.155:622.33.012.3«Tunguyski».001.86 © Collective authors, 2012
Valeri N. Kuletski
CEO of JSC “Razrez Tunguyski”
Aleksandr I. Kainov
Technical Director of JSC “Razrez Tunguyski”
Sergei Y. Mironenko
Deputy CEO – Economics and Finance JSC “Razrez Tunguyski”
Andrei B. Rybinski
Deputy CEO – Production JSC “Razrez Tunguyski”
Experience of Improving Production at JSC “Razrez Tunguyski”
The article describes JSC “Razrez Tunguyski”’s experience of increasing the operating times of excavators, rock handlers, drilling rigs and looks at technical & technological and managerial solutions that ensure higher efficiency of the main mining and transport equipment.
Production Improvement, Productive Machine Hour, Equipment Efficiency, Production Efficiency.
Contact information
phone: +7 (30143) 230-96; 230-97; e-mail: |
UDC 622.831:622.833.5.001.57 © Collective authors, 2012
Vladimir F. Demin
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of
Mineral Field Development Department of KarGTU
Samat B. Aliev
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of RUDN
Kairgali K. Kushekov
Candidate of Engineering, Doctoral Candidate of RUDN
Aybolat D. Karataev
Doctoral Candidate, Teacher of
Mineral Field Development Department of KarGTU
Khuangan Nurbol
Doctoral Candidate, Teacher of
Mineral Field Development Department of KarGTU
Physical Simulation of Edge Rock Mass Deformation Around Mining Excavations
A physical simulation of geomechanical processes of edge rock mass deformation around mining excavations has been performed.
Analytical Simulation, Mode of Deformation, Technology, Edge Rock Mass, Mine Opening Timbering.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (964) 797-05-55 |