UDC 061.3:658.155:622.33(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2011

Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “Ugol” magazine, mining engineer

The review of conference “Russian Coal Markets Conference 2010”

In Moscow in hotel “Hilton Leningradskaya” from December, 8 till December, 9th, 2010 there passed conference “Russian Coal Markets Conference 2010”, organized by companies McCloskey Group and IHS CERA. Conference “Russian Coal Markets Conference 2010” is one of the most important and influential forums of world coal business and is spent for consumers of coal, coal manufacturers, traders, financiers, carriers and operators of logistics. Heads of the top echelon of the largest world power companies, the organizations, the known financial institutions, influential governmental persons, leading experts of coal industry participated in conference. In the given publication endurances from the basic reports and performances are presented. The review is accompanied by diagrams.

Coal industry, market of the coal, coked coal, traders, investments, logistics, ports, efficiency.

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UDC 622.33.012«MPO «Kuzbass» © "UK "Zarechnaja” LLC, 2011

"UK "Zarechnaja” LLC

MPO "Kuzbass": coal victories

Results of work MPO "Kuzbass" per 2010 and the nearest plans for 2011 are presented.

Coal industry, coal mining, the coal-mining enterprise.

Contact information


UDC 622.625.6 © B. Baus-Nojfang, D.V. Velikanov, Ju. Rusinek, 2011

Bernchard Baus-Nojfang
Dipl.-eng., vice-president (Sales Support)
concern Becker Mining Systems AG

Velikanov Denis Viktorovich
Head of a department of designing
company “Bekker Majning - Transport Systems”

Yusuf Rusinek
Adviser of board Becker Warkop Sp. z. o. o. on technical questions

Underground pendant a diesel engine-hydraulic locomotives for installations the mechanized complexes of a "heavy" class

In article various ways of transportation "heavy" systems in mines are presented, their comparison is given. Are presented pendant monorail the transport systems of firm Becker Mining Systems intended for transportation "heavy" systems. Advantages of the given transport systems are shown.

Mine, transport systems, pendant roads, a frictional, gear drive, mine transport.

Contact information
phone: +7 (3843) 99-19-47


UDC 622.831.3.02 © A.F. Bulat, A.I. Voloshin, O.V. Ryabtsev, A.I. Koval, 2011

Bulat Anatoliy Fedorovich
Director IGTM National academy of sciences of Ukraine,
Supervisor of studies NIC "Ecology-Geos",
academician NAS Ukraine, doctor tech. sciences, professor

Voloshin Alexey Ivanovich
Head of department IGTM NAS Ukraine,
director NIC "Ecology-Geos", corresp.-member NAS Ukraine,
doctor tech. sciences, professor

Ryabtsev Oleg Viktorovich
Senior scientific employee IGTM NAS Ukraine,
deputy director in a mining direction NIC "Ecology-Geos", cand. tech. sciences

Koval Alexander Ivanovich
General director company “Sverdlovantracit”,
cand. tech. sciences

Technology strategic planning of mining

The basic assumptions on which is based on Technology and the essence of the programmatic and technological complex, built on its base that allows you to define rational technological parameters of mining on the basis of a comprehensive geomechanical prediction.

Mining, technology, geomechanical forecast, the is intense-deformed condition of containing breeds, safety.

Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +38095-130-33-90; +38056-716-78-73


UDC 622.817.47 © S.N. Podobrazhin, 2011

Podobrazhin Sergey Nikolaevich
Deputy chief has dressed on supervision
in coal industry of Rostehnadzor, cand. tech. sciences

Methodical features of an estimation of coal layers and mining equipment under the dust factor

In article are resulted the description of a method of an estimation mine layers under the dust factor, based on definition of size specific allocation of a dust at destruction of coal, and also the recommendation on a tentative estimation miner combines under the dust factor and efficiency of means of struggle given to a combine with a dust.

Mine layers, specific allocation of a dust, miner a combine, productivity of a combine.

Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 657-91-77.

UDC 061.3:622.831 © OJSC "Sibgiproshaht", 2011

OJSC "Sibgiproshaht"

Scientific and technical conference “Features of introduction energy effective and safe technologies in coal industry 2010”

On December, 1-2st, 2010 in Kuzbass in a Prokopevsk “Features of introduction energy effective and safe technologies in coal industry 2010”. Conference has collected science officers, representatives of centres of science, developers and manufacturers of the equipment of Kuzbass, Russia, and also the western colleagues. The problem has been put extremely clearly: to inform up to each participant of action of the tendency of time in a view of last development on the set subjects. The organizer of conference has acted as OJSC "Sibgiproshaht". The review of conference, its decisions is given, endurances from the basic performances are presented.

Coal industry, industrial safety, labour safety, decontamination.

Contact information


UDC 658.152.011.46:622.8:622.33.012.3 © E.E. Soboleva, 2011

Soboleva Elena Evgenevna
Mining-transport dispatcher RU “Novoshahtinskoe” OJSC "Primorskugol"

My understanding of increase of efficiency and safety of manufacture

Article opens a new heading with the conditional name “In the help to the miner”. In this heading the publication of articles, offers on perfection of manufacture, increase of efficiency and safety of manufacture which will act from workers, mechanics, foremen and workers directly from a face, is planned, a dispatching office, departments and shops, excavators brigades, a transport site, concentrating factory, etc. Are invited all interested persons to an exchange of opinions concerning improvement of work, to increase of efficiency and safety of manufacture is concrete on a workplace, in a face, a site, a department, shop, etc. In article the purpose of a new heading is reflected: “ … to organize effective and safe work on forces to each of us: at itself in a department, in a cabin of a dredge and a dumper, in vagon on a mining site, in the to shop. Our problem to not eliminate a problem, and to learn to do so that it did not arise. We invite to cooperation of everyone who has concrete ideas on perfection of manufacture. Let it will be any trifle which person directly working on this place can notice only. Let it will be something obvious and simple, on what before did not pay attention. If someone will name these ideas mad we shall name their innovative. Such ideas are the engine of progress, they help to move not simply forward, and to rise on a new level of development”.

Coal industry, offers on perfection of manufacture, safety of manufacture, a labour safety, efficiency.

Contact information

 UDC 658.152.011.46:622.8:622.332.012.3«Nazarovsky» © A.A. Doroshenko, 2011

Doroshenko Alexey Anatolevich
Operating branch of OJSC "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk" “Cut Nazarovsky”

As a lot of interesting our workers see!

Increase of a production efficiency - this problem costs today before the majority of the domestic enterprises. And frequently sources of economy and increase of efficiency “lay on a surface”. To see them it is independently complex, but it is possible, - working as many years on one technology at technical officers that refers to, “an eye to soap”. The sight very helps with such cases from. Especially if from behind work of the enterprise the expert of a high level observes. In 2010 on the basis of Nazarovsky a cut of scientific and technological centre - NIIGR has held a seminar on economy of safety. According to a management of a cut, action has passed fruitfully: at a seminar “fresh ideas” on increase of efficiency and safety of manufacture have been stated. Two-day training took place in November, 2010 with participation of working structure (workers dredges), chiefs of sites, assistants to the operating enterprise in directions. Their many offers are worthy. In article operating time of groups at this seminar, including reports are presented: “Work of dredges of a site “Vskrishnoy” during a month of the raised productivity”, “Quality management and terms of repairs of the equipment”, “Revealing of an opportunity of increase of productivity and the latent reserves at operation of locomotive park of railway shop”, “Questions of increase of safety of work”.

Cut “Nazarovsky”, a scientifically-practical seminar, economy of safety, repair of the equipment, quality management and terms of repair, labour productivity.

Contact information


UDC 651.012.011.56ASU:622.33.012«SDS» © M. Glinnikov, 2011

Michael Glinnikov

The information standard of management

In article experience of use of system Galaxy ERP at the enterprises of holding company "SDS-Ugol" is presented.

“The Siberian Business Union” (SDS), the coal enterprises, business-processes, information system, document circulation

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UDC 338.94:658.15:622.33(470) © N.N. Trunina, 2011

Trunina Nina Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student MGOU

Estimation of investment appeal of the coal-mining companies

Efficiency of investment essentially raises, if investments of extra financial assets are supplemented with a favorable investment climate, and regional authorities create conditions of investment activity. In such conditions the raised investment appeal and coal manufacture is created. In article these interconnected economic categories of investment processes are considered.

Investment appeal, coal manufacture, investment climate, participants of investment activity.

Contact information
phone: +7 (926) 360-99-76


UDC 622.232.8-52 © "ÌÊ "Ilma” LLC, 2011

Company "ÌÊ "Ilma”

From SAUK138M to “Ilma MK”

Are presented new system of automated management mechanized systems and its functions as modernized on comparison with previous system SAUK138M, and new.

Mechanized systems, a control system mechanized systems, radiomonitoring, the radiogauge.

Contact information
phone: +7 (3822) 42-80-54; 42-80-06; 42-80-07; fax: +7 (3822) 42-80-53

UDC 622.33.012.7«YaMZ» © V.V. Trubchanin, 2011

Trubchanin Vladimir Viktorovich
General director “Yasinovatsky a machine-building factory” LLC

Company “Yasinovatsky a machine-building factory” is not necessary on a place

It is told about Yasinovatsky a machine-building factory, let out production and about the nearest plans on manufacture mining equipment.

Mining technics, miner a combine, mining equipment, a machine-building factory.

Contact information

UDC 621.311.42:622.272 © Group of companies "EXC", 2011

Group of companies "EXC"

Transformer substations of companies EXC - the reliable decision mine electrosupply

The question of reliable, accident-free electrosupply was always actual at the coal-mining enterprises as the basic drive of mining machines is the electric drive. Requirements to reliability of their electrosupply have even more increased in modern conditions when on collieries began to apply high-efficiency coal-mining complexes. Loading has increased for a lavas, and their quantity was simultaneously reduced. In these conditions the stop because of failure in electrosupply coal-mining changes even at some o'clock leads to significant loss of volumes of extraction, and, hence, and to financial losses of the enterprise. Stable work coal-mining and miner a site in many respects is defined by reliable work of transformer substations and switching management personnels by mining machines. Besides universal introduction in manufacture of the automated control systems by technological processes demands from the modern equipment high information and opportunities of inclusion in systems of automation. All these problems have found the worthy decision in the equipment let out by company EHS. Transformer substations of type KTSVP, more than seven years let out at enterprises EHS, provide reliable electrosupply and management of any mining with mechanisms. Modern microcontroler the technics established in transformer substations KTSVP, gives the big package of relay protection and enables realization of the diversified functions of automatics and management. At all stages of manufacture, constant perfection of the let out equipment with application of the newest development the substations corresponding the best samples of world manufacturers mining of an electric equipment allow to make strict quality assurance of each detail. In article it is presented mining an electric equipment let out by company EXC.

Electrosupply of mines, mining an electric equipment, transformer substation, the switching centre.

Contact information

UDC 621.879.3.001.24:622.271 © A.A. Cherezov, 2011

Cherezov Artem Anatolevich
The post-graduate student of faculty of resistance of materials KuzGTU

The structural analysis of process loadings elements of designs of dredges - mechanical shovels

In article results natural thenzometer elements of designs of dredges – mechanical shoves on cuts of Kuzbass are resulted. Statistical processing of empirical data is executed. Comparison with earlier known results of researches is resulted.

Dredge - mechanical shovel, an element of a design, results of experiments, the structural analysis.

Contact information
phone: +7 (913) 291-85-37; e-mail:


UDC 061.12:622.33 © A.G. Moreva, 2011

Moreva Angelina Grigorevna
Scientific secretary of the premium name of academician A.A. Skochinskij

Results of competition on competition of the premium of a name of academician A.A. Skochinskij

The premium of a name of academician A.A. Skochinskij has been founded in a year of the 100 anniversary from the date of a birth of the scientist - in 1974 Founders of the premium for current time are: the Ministry of energy of the Russian Federation, the Russian academy of natural sciences, Mining academy, NNC GP-IGD it. A.A. Skochinskij, scientific research institute of problems of a labour safety, MGGU, Rostechnadzor and company “SUEK”. In article on award of the premium of a name of academician A.A. Skochinskij in 2009 and results of competition are presented to 2010.

Coal industry, the premium of a name of academician A.A. Skochinskij, mining technology, safety, winners.

Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 607-23-45; e-mail:

UDC 061.3:622.33:331.2 © T.I. Krasnikova, 2011

T.I. Krasnikova
Engineer-technologist of OJSC "Scientific and technological centre - NIIOGR"

Development of the competence of heads and experts

In article experience of OJSC "Scientific and technological centre - NIIOGR" on use of technologies of development of the competence of experts and heads of different levels of management of the mining enterprises is presented: carrying out the master-classes, discussions and consultations of leading scientists and experts, participation in seminars, protection of dissertations.

Coal industry, the competence of experts, the master-class, a seminar, the dissertation.

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UDC 562.2:622.33(571.17) © B.F. Nifantov, V.P. Potapov, B.A. Anferov, L.V. Kuznetsova, 2011

Nifantov Boris Fedorovich
Senior scientific employee of Laboratory geoinformation and mathematical modeling
of systems and processes of coal output Institute of coal of the Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Science, cand. geol.-miner. sciences

Potapov Vadim Petrovich
Managing Laboratory of geoinformation and mathematical modelling
of systems and processes of coal output of Institute of coal of the Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Science, doctor tech. sciences

Anferov Boris Alekseevich
Senior scientific employee of Laboratory of geotechnology of development coal deposits
of Institute of coal of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science,
cand. tech. sciences

Kuznetsova Lyudmila Vasilevna
Senior scientific employee of Laboratory of geotechnology of development
coal deposits of Institute of coal of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science,
cand. tech. sciences

Increase of value of commodity Kuznetsk coals due to selective dredging layers with industrial maintenances of elements-impurity

Commercial amounts of precious elements disclosed in kuznetskii coal and in its mining, incineration, processing, waste products may become a new source of significant income for coal mining, by-product coking, power generation and other industries, when deep processing of coal and recycled resources is implemented. The increased quality of marketable coal will be attained in case of selective mining application directly on the mine and delivery of run of mine coal of different composition to the surface.

Coal deposit, kuznetskii coal, element-trace, selective mining.

Contact information
phone: +7 (905) 906-0610; å-mail:; å-mail:


UDC 622.85:622.33.012.2«Severnaya» © Ja. G. Semikobyla, A.I. Dobrovolsky, 2011

Semikobyla Jaroslav Georgievich
Head of a department of Ecology of mining of Centre INENCO
the Russian Academy of Science (St.-Petersburg), doctor tech. sciences

Dobrovolskij Alexander Ivanovich
General director of company "Urgalugol"

The forecast of an ecological situation in mining-industrial region of mine “Severnaya” of company "Urgalugol” with increase of its capacity

In article results of engineering-ecological researches for the forecast of an ecological situation in mining area of mine “Severnaya” of company "Urgalugol” SUEK with increase of its capacity are resulted. The analysis of an ecological condition of territory of mining area of mine “Severnaya” is given. The estimation of possible influence of mining manufacture on components of an environment - a relief, a landscape, vegetation, underground and superficial water resources, the air environment is made. Are drawn conclusions on possible character influence of mining manufacture on the above-named components and recommendations on creation of systems of complex monitoring natural resources and formations, references and are given to recycling of waste in mining area of mine “Severnaya”.

Underground coal mining, mine, waste, environment, mining area, ecological safety, ability to live, monitoring.

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