The Ministry of Energy, chaired by Sergey Tsivilev, discussed the draft Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2050 |  4 | |
Glinina O.I.
VII Russian Energy Week International Forum 2024 outcomes
|  5 | |
A reliable partner - Siberian technical company (STK): the impressive performance |  13 | |
The chronicle. Events. The facts. News |  14 | |
Andreeva Lyudmila Ivanovna (anniversary)
|  17 | |
Lokhov D.S.
Innovative solutions for operating in harsh winter conditions
|  18 | |
Bashmur K.A., Dimov A.N., Bukhtoyarov V.V.
Flow-driven Mixer with Helicoid Module for Quality Assurance of Coal Tar Pretreatment Process
|  20 |
Mironov A.A., Berdin V.Kh., Uledova N.V., Kevbrina I.A., Gitarskiy M.L., Bobylev P.M., Kabanov N.S.
Updated assessment of methane emissions in the Russian coal industry
|  26 |
Artemiev V.B., Rudenko Yu.F., Levin S.E., Kurpatov O.V., Senatorov M.Yu.
Integrated monitoring of the state of production processes, industrial and environmental safety of hazardous production facilities. Part 3. Methods of industrial and environmental |  34 |
Materova E.S., Aksenova Zh.A., Nikiforov A.A., Abdulganiev F.S., Safiullin N.Z.
Development potential of the mining sector in the Russian Federation
|  41 |
Ryabukhin S.N., Minchenkov M.A., Matarov V.M., Kokorev I.A., Safronova A.A.
Prospects for coal assets in the digital financial instruments market
|  47 |
Korovyakovskij D.G., Parfenova V.I.
The multiplier effect in the coal industry of the Angara-Yenisei macroregion o the Russian Federation
|  53 |
Kurilova A.A.
Forecasting coal rents of the world’s countries using ARIMA method
|  58 |
Kuzmina O.Yu., Konovalova M.E., Zhironkin S.A., Gasanov M.A.
Macroeconomic and sector-wise analysis of investment attractiveness of companies in the mining sector
|  63 |
Chupin A.L., Kushnir A.M., Vorotyntseva T.M., Shulzhenko M.V., Senotrusova S.V., Abdelaal Ahmed Mostafa Ahmed Ragas
System criterion indicators of economic efficiency of coal industry investment projects
|  68 |
Kongar-Syuryun Ch.B.
Influence of mine water on the strength of artificial mass based on industrial waste
|  75 |
Romanova A.A., Zabaikin Yu.V.
Methodology for the de opment of effectively-oriented labor relations in industrial organizations: an integrated approach
|  79 |
Meshcheryakova T.S., Arsakhanova Z.A., Brovkin A.V., Shamuhametova E.S., Bokov Yu.A.
Development of an intelligent control system for coal mini and processing processes based on artificial intelligence technologies and the industrial Internet of Things |  89 |
Fadeev A.A., Zaborskiy E.N., Bagdasaryan O.E.
Digi solutions for drilling and blasting operations as a way to improve efficiency, safety of operations and reduce seismic impact during rock crushing
|  99 |
Velikanov V.S., Grishin I.A., Lukashuk O.A., Degodya E.Yu., Telminov N.S.
Study of the stress-strain state of the working body of a quarry excavator under dynamic loads from the granulometric composition of rocks
|  103 |
Golik V.I.
Improving the design of the disintegrator for leaching of metals
|  108 |
Mukhambetalieva O.R., Zhironkin S.A., Skripko V.E.
Problem and prospects for the development of the Russian coal industry in the context of green network transformation of the economy
|  114 |
Mironova Zh.V., Zenkov I.V., Trinh Le Hung, Yuronen Yu.P., Shtresler К.А., Sizova T.N.
Investigation into formation of man-made water bodies in closed coal pits in the South Urals, the Chelyabinsk Oblast
|  118 |
Fadeev A.A., Bagdasaryan O.E.
The use of electronic blast systems to reduce the impact of industrial explosions on the environment and guarded objects near human settlements
|  122 |
Arsenyev I.D.
Numerical simulation of the reaction of th geological environment for various variations of underground construction options
|  127 |
Mironova Zh.V., Zenkov I.V., Trinh Le Hung, Yuronen Yu.P., Shtresler К.А., Sizova T.N.
Integrated assessment of the production potential of coal pits in the mining states in the territory of the Republic of India using the results of space monitoring
|  131 |
Kosterenko Viktor Nikolaevich (08.12.1961 – 03.11.2024) |  135 | |
Index of articles published in Ugol` - Russian Coal Journal in 2024 |  136 | |