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Original Paper

UDC 622.002.5:62-192 © N.K. Linh1, D.V. Dinh 1, V.V. Gabov2, L.Q. Phuc1, N.V. Thang2, 2024

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2024, № 9, pp. 81-86

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2024-9-81-86




N.K. Linh1, D.V. Dinh 1, V.V. Gabov2, L.Q. Phuc1, N.V. Thang2

Authors Information

Linh N.K. – Associate Professor, Hanoi University Of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, 112400, Vietnam, e-mail: nguyenkhaclinh@humg.edu.vn

Dinh D.V. – Associate Professor, Hanoi University Of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, 112400, Vietnam, e-mail: dangvudinh@humg.edu.vn

Gabov V.V. – Professor, Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation, e-mail: gabov_vv@pers.spmi.ru

Phuc L.Q. – Associate Professor, Hanoi University Of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, 112400, Vietnam, e-mail: fuglinh@humg.edu.vn

Thang N.V. – Asistent, Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation, e-mail: nguen_v2@pers.spmi.ru


The trend of shifting from surface to underground coal mining implies an increase in the number of mine workings from which coal will be extracted. Most of mine workings in Vietnam are currently reinforced by steel frame supports. Once coal is extracted, the steel supports in the mine workings are often not removed or the number of removed supports remains extremely low, resulting in significant losses of resources in the coal mining process. However, their removal process faces many challenges due to the challenging geological conditions, frequent roof caving during the support disassembly, resulting in harsh and hazardous working conditions. With the help

of simulation in the Maple software suite, it is shown that changing the inclination angle of the support cylinder leads to corresponding changes in the dimensions and strength parameters of the structures. The results show that for the same load value, the pressure in the support cylinder can be reduced, which reduces the force acting on the pivot joints of the hydraulic stand, thus improving the reliability and optimizing the force on the stand components.


Mine workings, сoal face, disassembly, hydraulic stand, computer simulation, maple.


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This research was supported by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, Grant No. B2023 – MDA – 03.

For citation

Linh N.K., Dinh D.V., Gabov V.V., Phuc L.Q., Thang N.V. Enhancing the equipment adaptability for removing

frame supports in the mine workings. Ugol. 2024;(9):81-86. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2024-9-81-86.

Paper info

Received August 8, 2024

Reviewed August 15, 2024

Accepted August 26, 2024


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