Original Paper
UDC 622.24.05 © R.O. Muminov, A.N. Ruzibaev, N.N. Zhyraev, Zh.R. Racshanov, D.A. Kuziev, 2024
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2024, № 1, pp. 94-99
Muminov R.O.1, Ruzibaev A.N.1, Zhyraev N.N.1, Racshanov Zh.R.1, Kuziev D.A.2
1Navoi State Mining Institute, Navoi, 210100, Uzbekistan
2National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” (NUST “MISIS”), Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Muminov R.O., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, e-mail:
Ruzibaev A.N., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology,e-mail:
Zhyraev N.N., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology,e-mail:
Racshanov Zh.R., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology,e-mail:
Kuziev D.A., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor of Mining Equipment, Transport and Mechanical Engineering department of Mining Institute, e-mail:
This paper justifies and describes the design and operating principle of an electro-hydromechanical rotation unit, presents the results of experimental studies of the prototype, methodology and research program, preparation of the equipment, the purpose of the research, as well as processing and analysis of the experimental results of the SBSH-250MNA-32 type drill rig.
Hydropneumatic accumulator, Durability, Electro-hydromechanical rotation unit of the drill rig, Vibration, Efficiency, Operating capacity, Vibration measuring instruments.
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For citation
Muminov R.O., Ruzibaev A.N., Zhyraev N.N., Racshanov Zh.R. & Kuziev D.A. Development of measures to enhance the rotation and feed mechanism of a drill rig. Ugol’, 2024, (1), pp. 94-99. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2024-1-94-99.
Paper info
Received September 16, 2023
Reviewed November 10, 2023
Accepted December 7, 2023