Original Paper
UDC 504.064.4:622.33:622.7© I.V. Petrov, I.S. Kuroshev, A.S. Kurchakova, A.V. Grigorjev, A.A. Shkarupa , 2024
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2024, ¹ 1, pp. 43-50
Petrov I.V.1, Kuroshev I.S.2, Kurchakova A.S.2, Grigorjev A.V.3, Shkarupa A.A.3
1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 125167, Russian Federation
2Research Institute «Environmental Industrial Policy Centre», Mytischi, 141006, Russian Federation,
3Institute of Problems of Natural Monopolies (IPEM), 127473, Moscow, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Petrov I.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business
Kuroshev I.S., Head of the Department for Metallurgical, Oil and Gas and Mining Industry, e-mail:
Kurchakova A.S., Ñhief engineer of the Department for Metallurgical, Oil and Gas and Mining Industry, e-mail:
Grigorjev A.V., Head of department of researches of energy sector, e-mail:
Shkarupa A.A.,e-mail:
Over the past decade, Best Available Technologies (BAT) have become an integral part of industrial development both globally and in the Russian Federation. The need for a scientifically justified approach in the development and updating of information and technical reference on BATs has become paramount. It is essential to have relevant indicators for conducting various assessments in the field of BATs. This article analyzes the process of updating the information and technical reference in the field of coal mining and preparation, particularly in terms of defining BAT indicators. The significance of industry-specific characteristics is emphasized, which influence the selection of benchmark substances for emissions and discharges, as well as other BAT indicators and their levels.
Best available techniques, Coal mining and preparation, Technological indicators, Target indicators of resource and energy efficiency, Indicative indicators of specific greenhouse gas emissions, information and technical reference.
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For citation
Petrov I.V., Kuroshev I.S., Kurchakova A.S., Grigorjev A.V. &Shkarupa A.A. Updating of the information and technical reference book on the best available technologies in coal mining and processing. System of indicators for the best available technologies. Ugol’, 2024, (1), pp. 43-50. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2024-1-43-50.
Paper info
Received November 14, 2023
Reviewed November 29, 2023
Accepted December 7, 2023