Original Paper
UDC 656.13:622.684© U.F. Nasirov, Sh.Sh. Zairov. Sh.V. Karimov, 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 12, pp. 67-72
Nasirov U.F.1, Zairov Sh.Sh.1. Karimov Sh.V.1
1Almalyk Branch of National Research University of Science and Technology (MISIS), Almalyk, 110100, Republic of Uzbekistan
Authors Information
Nasirov U.F., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director on Research and Innovations, e-mail:
Zairov Sh.Sh.. Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Department of Mining Engineering, Head of the Sector of Scientific Research, Innovations and Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Staff, e-mail:
Karimov Sh.V., PhD (Engineering), Assistant Professor, Department of Mining Engineering, e-mail:
Various types of vehicles are used in surface mining, e.g. dump trucks, articulated vehicles, as well as trackless trolley trucks and diesel trolley cars at some open-pit mines. The most common are dump trucks with back dumping. Articulated trailers and trailer cars working with tractors, in addition to the back dumping also have the side and bottom dumping. Articulated trailers are rarely found in deep quarries, as they are not suitable for operation on steep gradients due to their traction capabilities, besides this, their maneuvering in confined working spaces is extremely difficult. Bottom unloading is used mainly on dump trucks designed for coal transportation (coal carriers). Therefore, for deep open-pit mines the most suitable are dump trucks with back dumping, characterized by the required traction force, travel speed and maneuvering characteristics. There exist more than 10 different types of heavy-duty dump trucks used in mining operations in the world today. This is one of the main types of quarry transportation. The main disadvantages of such machines are the need to extract additional volumes of overburden to accommodate transport communications with significant parameters as well as significant consumption of diesel fuel. In this connection, it is necessary to study modern types of process vehicles, as well as to investigate and manage their economically feasible performance characteristics when operating in difficult conditions of deep open pit, as well as to justify the technical and operational parameters of the process vehicles.
Transportation, Mined rock, Dump truck, Process vehicles, Open pit mine, Performance characteristics, Transportation communications, Driveline.
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For citation
Nasirov U.F., Zairov Sh.Sh. & Karimov Sh.V. Research and evaluation of process fleet for effective haulage of rock mass in deep open pits. Ugol’, 2023, (12), pp. 67-72. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-12-67-72.
Paper info
Received September 18, 2023
Reviewed November 10, 2023
Accepted November 27, 2023