Original Paper
UDC 622.86(574):622.807:628.878 © Sh.K. Abikenova, M.B. Baizbaev, G.K. Daumova, E.A. Kulmagambetova, 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 12, pp. 55-59
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2023-12-55-59
Abikenova Sh.K.1, Baizbaev M.B.2, Daumova. G.K.3, Kulmagambetova E.A.1
1‘Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection’ of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
2 Karaganda Regional Branch ‘Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection’ of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, 100009, Republic of Kazakhstan
3 East Kazakhstan Regional Branch ‘Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection’ of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070018, Republic of Kazakhstan
Authors Information
Abikenova Sh.K., PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associated Professor, Director General, Republican State Enterprise based on the Right of Economic Management, е-mail: rniiot@rniiot.kz
Baizbaev M.B., PhD (Ehgineering), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Mining Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Leading Research Associate, Republican State Enterprise based on the Right of Economic Management, е-mail: baiz76@mail.ru
Daumova. G.K., PhD (Ehgineering), Associated Professor, Leading Research Associate Republican State Enterprise based on the Right of Economic Management, е-mail: gulzhan.daumova@mail.ru
Kulmagambetova E.A., PhD (Chemistry), Head of the Department of Biomonitoring and Occupational Health, е-mail: rniiot@rniiot.kz
The article discusses the issues of ensuring the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) with due account of the occupational risks concerned with various types and spectrum of exposure. A mining site has been selected as a production facility for experimental research into the working conditions. The working conditions of miners are characterized with a number of hazardous production factors, with a high dust and noise pollution being the leading ones. Based on the measurements made at the workplaces, the concentration of dust at all working sites was found to be 1.05-1.37 times higher than the maximum permissible level. Thus, the workers need to be provided with PPE. Based on the comparative analysis and with due consideration of hygienic criteria, recommendations were given to introduce a new assortment of PPE depending on the presence and degree of exposure to harmful occupational factors.
Occupational health and safety, Working conditions, Occupational risk, Personal protective equipment, Dust, Noise.
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The article describes the results of scientific research obtained during implementation of the scientific and technical program entitled 'Risk-oriented organizational and economic mechanisms to ensure labor safety in conditions of contemporary Kazakhstan' (IRN OR11865833) under the program-targeted research funding of the Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
For citation
Abikenova Sh.K., Baizbaev M.B., Daumova. G.K. & Kulmagambetova E.A. On the new approach to selecting personal protective equipment against negative effects of the dust and noise exposure. Ugol’, 2023, (12), pp. 55-59. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-12-55-59.
Paper info
Received October 2, 2023
Reviewed November 10, 2023
Accepted November 27, 2023