Original Paper
UDC 658. © V.A. Azev, E.V. Kobets, 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 8, pp. 101-106
Approaches to the formation of professional culture future engineer
Azev V.A.1, Kobets E.V.1
1“SUEK-Khakassia” LLC, Chernogorsk, 655162, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Azev V.A., Doctorate of Engineering Sciences, Deputy General Director, Technical Director, Associate Professor, e-mail: //" title="">
Kobets E.V., Ph.D (Philological) Sciences, Project manager - patent expert, e-mail:
The article reviews the experience of partnership between the coal mining association and higher education institutions to train the demanded engineering professionals. It describes various aspects of interaction between SUEK and universities in Khakassia, which serve as a platform for practice-oriented training of future mining engineers and mechanical engineers of mining dump trucks.
The basic components in the professional development of a future engineer defined by the technical administration of the Association ensure both timely and flexible adaptation and development of educational programmes in line with the competences required in present-day coal mining industry.
Professional competences of a mining engineer, Practice-oriented training, Competitiveness of a coal association, Technical administration.
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For citation
Azev V.A. & Kobets E.V. Approaches to the formation of professional culture future engineer. Ugol’, 2023, (8), pp. 101-106. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-8-101-106.
Paper info
Received June 19, 2023
Reviewed July 14, 2023
Accepted July 26, 2023