Original Paper
UDC 622.002.5:622.46 © V.V. Smirnyakov, A.V. Lejsle, R.D. Magomet, S.G. Mukhortikov, O.V. Pinsker, D.O. Anisimov, 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 7, pp. 59-67
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2023-7-59-67
Smirnyakov V.V.1, Lejsle A.V.1, Magomet R.D.1, Mukhortikov S.G.2, Pinsker O.V.2, Anisimov D.O.2
1St. Petersburg Mining UniversitySaint-Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation
2 Transmash LLC, Leninsk-Kuznetsrij, 652523, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Smirnyakov V.V., PhD (Engineering), Associated professor Department of Occupational Safety, e-mail: smirnyakovvv@yandex.ru
Lejsle A.V., PhD (Engineering), Associated professor Department of Occupational Safety, e-mail: groz-4@yandex.ru
Magomet R.D., PhD (Engineering), Associated professor Department of Occupational Safety, e-mail: rmagomet@yandex.ru
Mukhortikov S.G., PhD (Engineering), Deputy General Director for Scientific Work, e-mail: Smukhortikov@inbox.ru
Pinsker O.V., General Director, e-mail: pinol62@mail.ru
Anisimov D.O.,Head of Project Department, e-mail anisimov.do@gmail.com
The paper discusses the methodology and results of experimental studies of a method to improve the operating efficiency of booster fans when ventilating development galleries in coal mines. The authors suggest to control the fan by means of an electric drive with the variable rotation frequency of the impeller. It is determined that in addition to the existing methods the most rational way of control is to change the rotation frequency of the fan's impeller. The objectives of the experiment were to determine the aerodynamic parameters of a booster fan when changing the frequency of the alternating current supplied to the electric motor, the leakage factor and the maximum length of the pipe to ensure the specified air flow rate. A fan with a frequency converter operating on a pipe section was installed to perform the experiment, and a measurement technique was designed. The booster fan delivery was controlled by changing the rotation frequency of the impeller at different resistance values, while the air velocity and the depression were assessed for the investigated pipe sections. The actual booster fan characteristics were collected with high approximation accuracy. The actual air drag was determined and the calculated values were obtained for rectilinear pipe sections of different lengths and diameters. It is established, that an increase in the rotation frequency of the impeller allows to increase the length of the pipe at the given flow rates. The results were compared with the values obtained when operating booster fans without an AC frequency converter. It is shown that the efficiency can be enhanced at the appropriate pipe drag values. It is noted that controlling the delivery rate by changing the rotation frequency of the impeller contributes to extending the service life of the ventilation equipment. Based on the obtained results, a conclusion is made on the possibility to apply this control method in coal mines.
Booster fan, Frequency control, Ventilation of development galleries, Frequency converter, Aerodynamic characteristics, Depression, Flow rate, Rotation frequency of the impeller.
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For citation
Smirnyakov V.V., Lejsle A.V., Magomet R.D., Mukhortikov S.G., Pinsker O.V. & Anisimov D.O. Experimental studies to enhance the efficiency of booster fans by changing the rotation frequency of the impeller. Ugol’, 2023, (7), pp. 59-67. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-7-59-67.
Paper info
Received May 25, 2023
Reviewed June 14, 2023
Accepted June 26, 2023