Original Paper
UDC 622.621© Zh.T. Akizhanova, G.S. Zhettesova, K.M. Beisembayev, G.D. Buyalich, Zh.N. Nokina, 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 7, pp. 50-55
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2023-7-50-55
Akizhanova Zh.T.1, Zhettesova G.S.1, Beisembayev K.M.1, Buyalich G.D.2, Nokina Zh.N.1
1NAO Karaganda Technical University named after A. Saginov, Karaganda, 100017, Kazakhstan
2Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Akizhanova Zh.T., Doctoral student of the Department of Mineral Deposit Development, e-mail: Kakim08@mail.ru
Zhettesova G.S., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, e-mail: zhetesova@mail.ru
Beisembayev K.M., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Department of Technological Equipment, Mechanical Engineering and Standardization, e-mail: Kakim08@mail.ru
Buyalich G.D., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, e-mail: gdb@kuzstu.ru
Nokina Zh.N., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technological Equipment, Mechanical Engineering and Standardization, e-mail: Kakim08@mail.ru
The methods of longwall, short-hole mining by the finite element method in Ansys for static systems and in Adams are considered to determine the interaction of a dynamically displaced roof with a lining, taking into account its design and connections with rock layers, including block formation in the roof. The effects of the support in the deformation mode and active thrust on the distribution of rock pressure in the depth of the formation in the zone of support pressure are established. Its maximum influence was recorded during the detachment of the main roof and its transverse fracture. The model of the chamber excavation should be three-dimensional with the ability to quickly change the configuration of the location of the pillars, workings and simulate the advancement of the face with a constant distance between the face, displacement zones and the edge of the model from the side of the face.
Support pressure, Support, Active thrust, Deformation mode, Transverse breakage, Delamination.
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For citation
Akizhanova Zh.T., Zhettesova G.S., Beisembayev K.M., Buyalich G.D. & Nokina Zh.N. To the method of calculation of rock pressure at a short fage. Ugol’, 2023, (7), pp. 50-55. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-7-50-55.
Paper info
Received March 9, 2023
Reviewed June 14, 2023
Accepted June 26, 2023