Original Paper
UDC 622.33:622.882:622.85© L.G. Shutko, 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugo’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 6, pp. 30-35
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2023-6-30-35
Shutko L.G.1
1T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzSTU), Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Shutko L.G., PhD (Economic), Associate Professor,Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, e-mail: shlg.etf@kuzstu.ru
On the example of the Kemerovo region ? Kuzbass, the interdependence between the process of managing disturbed lands in coal mining and the possibilities of sustainable and inclusive growth of the resource-producing region is revealed. The role of the disturbed land management process as the most important factor in reducing the environmental and social restrictions on the development of the region is substantiated. The content of «management of disturbed lands» in coal mining as a systemic process is disclosed, and a description of its current state is given. A positive feedback was found between the growth of open-pit coal mining in the region and the deterioration of the ecology of the natural environment, the decrease in the «quality of life» (health) of people, their environmental and social well-being in modern conditions. The formation of a decoupling (gap) between the increase in the volume of open-pit coal mining and the reduction in the area of ??disturbed lands in 2013-2019 and the current period is confirmed. The value of the triad of the cumulative effect of the reclamation of disturbed lands in coal mining is shown to reduce the environmental and social restrictions on the development of the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass. It is proposed to use the decoupling indicator in coal mining to measure the level of sustainable-inclusive development of the region.
Kemerovo region – Kuzbass, Coal mining, Reclamation, Management process of disturbed lands, Environmental and social restrictions, Decoupling, Sustainable inclusive development.
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For citation
Shutko L.G. Management of disturbed lands in coal mining as a factor to reduce the environmental and social constraints in the region's development.Ugol’, 2023, (6), pp. 30-35. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-6-30-35.
Paper info
Received February 20, 2023
Reviewed May 10, 2023
Accepted May 26, 2023