Original Paper
UDC 622.245:539.3 © V.I. Klishin, G.Yu. Opruk, V.A. Gogolin, S.I. Svyazev, 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 4, pp. 23-30
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2023-4-23-30
Klishin V.I.1, Opruk G.Yu.1 , Gogolin V.A.2, Svyazev S.I.1
1Institute of Coal of Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal-Chemistry of SB RAS, Kemerovo, 650065, Russian Federation
2Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzSTU), Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Klishin V.I., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, RAS Corresponding, Director, е-mail: klishinvi@icc.kemsc.ru
Opruk G.Yu.,PhD (Engineering), Head of Efficient Coal Deposits Development Laboratory, е-mail: opruk@yandex.ru
Gogolin V.A., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
Svyazev S.I., Senior engineer
The directional hydraulic fracturing method is addressed for a poorly caving roof as well as the means of its implementation from the gate roads of a coal mine. The finite element method was used to present the results of a numerical simulation of the stress-and-strain state of the rock mass during the stoping operations in the adjacent coal seams XVI and XVII for the conditions of the Lenin mine. The effects of the formation pressure on the pillar and the gate roads of the underlying adjacent coal seam were established when mining the overlying coal seam with the stoping face method. The need is shown to weaken the roof by directional hydraulic fracturing of the overlying seam to eliminate the stresses on the pillar and the gate road of the underlying seam. Technological flowcharts were developed and mining arrangements were made to cave the roof in the overlying face, which made it possible to reduce the stresses on the pillar of underlying seam XVII, to eliminate coal breakage in the pillar and to execute the stope development activities with the specified support pattern.
Underground mining, Adjacent seams, Poorly caving roof, Directional hydraulic fracturing, Splitter, Seal, Numerical modeling, Finite element method, Technological flowchart, In-mine testing.
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The research was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the comprehensive scientific and technical program of the full innovation cycle "Development and implementation of a complex of technologies in the fields of exploration and extraction of minerals, industrial safety, bioremediation, creation of new products of deep processing from coal raw materials with consistent reduction of environmental impact and risks for the life of the population", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/11/2022 No. 1144-r (Agreement No. 075-15-2022-1191)
For citation
Klishin V.I., Opruk G.Yu., Gogolin V.A. & Svyazev S.I. Preservation of the pillar and the gate road by weakening the roof of the overlying longwall face with directional hydraulic fracturing. Ugol’, 2023, (4), pp. 23-30. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-4-23-30.
Paper info
Received February 20, 2023
Reviewed February 28, 2023
Accepted March 27, 2023