Original Paper
UDC 66-91.3:622.332 © R.I. Egorov, M.V. Belonogov, 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 1, pp. 56-61
Egorov R.I.1, BelonogovM.V.1
1 Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Egorov R.I.,PhD (Physical and Mathematical),Research associate, e-mail:
Belonogov M.V., Postgraduate student, e-mail:
The paper discusses features of allothermal gasification of fuel mixtures based on lignite and rapeseed oil in different ratios. Based on experimental data, it was demonstrated that the fuel mixture can be converted into the generator gas with a high content of combustible components using external heating with visible light of high intensity (800-900 W/cm2). Analysis of the characteristic temperatures, gas composition and gas generation rates shows that conversion of the mixture containing 40 wt% of rapeseed oil maximizes the thermal effects of oxidation reactions. Three different modes of the process development were observed depending on the content of rapeseed oil in the mixture. The ratio of the combustible (CH4, CO, H2) to non-combustible (CO2) components of the generator gas can be brought up to 1.3:1 at atmospheric pressure. The conversion rate of such a mixture exceeds the characteristic gasification rates of lignite, and the fuel surface temperatures reach 1500?.
Fuel mixtures, Lignite, Rapeseed oil, Thermochemical conversion, Allothermal gasification, Generator gas, Renewable fuels, Biofuels.
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The study was conducted under Project 1.0031.GZB.2020 GZ 'Science' at Tomsk Polytechnic University.
For citation
Egorov R.I. & BelonogovM.V. High-temperature conversion of lignite and rapeseed oil mixtures. Ugol’, 2023, (1), pp. 56-61. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-1-56-61.
Paper info
ReceivedAugust 10, 2022
Reviewed November 30, 2022
Accepted December 26, 2022