Original Paper
UDC 550.372: 552.525 © I.N. Voronkov, A.A. Malakhov, S.P. Olenyuk, D.V. Sitnikov, E. Abdikashev, 2022
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № 6, pp. 84-88
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2022-6-84-88
Research into dependence of electrical conductivity of sandy-clayey rocks on load and temperature in the pore moisture phase transition zone
Voronkov I.N.1, Malakhov A.A.1, Olenyuk S.P.2, Sitnikov D.V.3, Abdikashev E.3
1GOLD-WAY LLC, Karaganda, 100026, Republic of Kazakhstan
2Karaganda state technical university, Karaganda, 100027, Republic of Kazakhstan
3Kazakhmys Coal LLP, Karaganda, 100015, Republic of Kazakhstan
Authors Information
Voronkov I.N., Master of Engineering Sciences, Director, e-mail: GoldWayLtd@yandex<st1< a="">:personname >.kz
Malakhov A.A., Master of Engineering Sciences, Chief Engineer, e-mail: GoldWayLtd@yandex<st1< a="">:personname >.kz
Olenyuk S.P., PhD (Engineering), Senior Lecturer of the Department "Surveying and Geodesy"
Sitnikov D.V., General Director, e-mail: Denis.Sitnikov@kazakhmys.kz
Abdikashev E., Master of Engineering Sciences, Technical Director, e-mail: Erzhan.Abdikashev@kazakhmys.kz
The paper presents a comprehensive approach to studying the nature of the dynamics in physical state of the sand-clay soils of the Borlinsky coal deposit under the multi-factor change in external conditions. Electrical resistance, i.e. the electrical conductivity of soils, was selected as a universal indicator of the impact of external and internal factors. Multiple tests of sandy and clayey soils under different external and internal factors of various magnitudes allowed to define their unifying empirical dependences and to establish the actual phase transition point which is different from zero degrees. The results obtained can be used in geophysical investigations of sandy and clayey soils, and development of systems for monitoring changes in their condition.
Coal deposit, Host rock, Rock properties, Rock mass condition, Electrical conductivity of soils, Pore water, Test bench, Phase transition.
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For citation
Voronkov I.N., Malakhov A.A., Olenyuk S.P., Sitnikov D.V. & Abdikashev E.Research into dependence of electrical conductivity of sandy-clayey rocks on load and temperature in the pore moisture phase transition zone. Ugol’, 2022, (6), pp. 84-88. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-6-84-88.
Paper info
Received Februaru 11, 2022
Reviewed April 15,2022
Accepted May 23, 2022