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Original Paper

UDC 622.8;614.8;658.511.3© Yu.M. Ivanov, N.V. Kurakina, A.I. Fomin, Li Khi Un, A.S. Voroshilov, 2022

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № 2, pp. 37-40

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2022-2-37-40



Analysis of injury rate as related to employees labour experience. Injury risk assessment



Ivanov Yu.M.1, Kurakina N.V.1, Fomin A.I.2, Li Khi Un2, Voroshilov A.S.3

1SUEK-Kuzbass JSC, Leninsk-Kuznetski, 652507, Russian Federation

2VostNII Research Center JSC, Kemerovo, 650002, Russian Federation

3Kuzbass-TsOT LLC, Kemerovo, 650002, Russian Federation


Authors Information

Ivanov Yu.M., Deputy Director General, e-mail: IvanovYM@suek.ru

Kurakina N.V., Chief Industrial Control Specialist of the Industrial Safety Directorate, e-mail: kurakinanv@suek.ru

Fomin A.I., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Academician of Academy of Mining Science, Leading Research Associate, e-mail: fominai@kuzstu.ru

Li Khi Un, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Scientific secretary, e-mail: leeanatoly@mail.ru

Voroshilov A.S., PhD (Engineering), Deputy Director, e-mail: office@kuzbasscot.ru



Recently the terms of occupational risk assessment in coal industry have become more actual and demanded due to continuous increase of control over occupational safety, as well as the occupational experience influence on this risk.In past few years the system of workers’ trainings and monitoring was intensified, furthermore the complexity of usable equipment and mining machines in mining enterprises grew up. Such a progress in mining engineering caused a need in prominent growth of workers’ knowledge and skills. At the same time workers’ training outside the workplace can’t provide flexible enough and quick training on new methods of work with up-to-date high-performance mining machines, equipment and mechanism. Occupational methods to perform assigned tasks, as well as the usage of the newest mining equipment require a long time, that is why to speed up the process there is a need in continuous on the job training. The research, based on wide statistics by AO “SUEK-Kuzbass” enterprises in years 2009-2103 and 2015-2019, indicated that for the period, when traumatism level, and occupational risk level accordingly, decrease was analyzed, the workers, who took part in continuous on the job training, exceeded the minimum traumatism level a few years earlier. It should be mentioned, that such an effect can be watched at workers, who have long occupational experience. Thereby the efficiency of continuous on the job training system within the enterprises of coal mining industry can be confidently confirmed.


Coal mining, Occupational experience, Traumatism, Traumatism coefficient, Occupational risk, Workers’ training, Traumatism statistics, Traumatism decrease, Traumatism prevention.


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For citation

Ivanov Yu.M., Kurakina N.V., Fomin A.I., Li Khi Un & Voroshilov A.S. Analysis of injury rate as related to employee’s labour experience. Injury risk assessment.Ugol’, 2022, (2), pp. 37-40. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-2-37-40.

Paper info

Received December 10, 2021

Reviewed December 14, 2021

Accepted January 18, 2022


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