Original Paper
UDC 662.749.33 © T.G. Cherkasova, A.V. Nevedrov, A.V. Papin, 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № S12, pp. 94-97
Cherkasova T.G. 1 , Nevedrov A.V.1 , Papin A.V.1
1 T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Cherkasova T.G., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Chemical and Oil and Gas Technologies, e-mail:
Nevedrov A.V., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Institute of Chemical and Oil and Gas Technologies, e-mail:
Papin A.V., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Institute of Chemical and Oil and Gas Technologies, e-mail:
The article discusses the process of obtaining coal pitch by distillation of coal tar. Coal tar produced by PJSC “Cox” was used as a feedstock. During the studies, the final temperature of the cubic residue varied in the range of 400-430°C. The obtained samples of coal pitch were examined to deter? mine their qualitative characteristics. An assessment of the quality of the resulting pitch and its suitability for use in electrode production and in the production of carbon materials is given.
Coal tar, Coal pitch, Distillation, Carbon fibers.
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The research was financially supported by a grant from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (Agreement No 075-15-2022-1193).
For citation
Cherkasova T.G., Nevedrov A.V. & Papin A.V. Quality assessment of the coal tar pitch produced by distillation of coal tar. Ugol’, 2023, (S12), pp. 94-97. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-S12-94-97.
Paper info
Received November 1, 2023
Reviewed November 15, 2023
Accepted November 30, 2023