Original Paper
UDC 62-665.4; 661.86 © D.I. Smirnov, A.V. Kalashnikov, A.A. Zakharov, M.E. Zvonareva, T.G. Cherkasova, D.A. Barantsev 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № S12, pp. 84-89
Smirnov D.I.1 , Kalashnikov A.V.1 , Zakharov A.A. 2 , Zvonareva M.E.1 , Cherkasova T.G. 3 , Barantsev D.A. 3
1 JSC “VNIIHT”, Moscow, 111524, Russian Federation
2 JSC “Giredmet”, Moscow, 111524, Russian Federation
3 T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Smirnov D.I., PhD (Engineering), leading researcher of the Laboratory of processing of Technogenic raw Materials, e-mail:
Kalashnikov A.V., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of processing of Technogenic raw Materials Zakharov A.A., Researcher at the Laboratory of Processing of Technogenic Raw Materials.
Zvonareva M.E., Leading engineer of the laboratory of processing of technogenic raw materials
Cherkasova T.G., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Director of theInstituteof Chemical and Oil and Gas Technologies, e-mail:
Barantsev D.A., Assistant the Institute of Chemical and Oil and Gas Technologies, e-mail:
In the process of coal refining, dumps of ash and slag and waste from the enrichment of coal materials are formed, which occupy large areas and require significant operating costs. Dumps are a source of man-made environmental pollution, which negatively affects the health of the population and poses a threat to the flora and fauna of nearby areas. On the other hand, coal processing wastes are similar in chemical and mineralogical composition to natural mineral raw materials, which makes their use in industry, the construction industry and agriculture one of the relevant directions in the strategic way of solving the environmental problem in the area of operation of coal industry enterprises. This article presents the results of studies of the process of granular sulfatization of coal mining waste in order to obtain material for further effec? tive extraction of scandium and rare earth elements from it using agitation or percolation leaching methods. It has been established that carrying out the process of granule sulfatization with 95% sulfuric acid makes it possible, with subsequent aqueous leaching of the granule material, to obtain the greatest extraction of scandium and rare earth elements. The consumption of sulfuric acid in this case is 332 kg/t. The influence of the firing temperature of the granu? lar material on the extraction of scandium and rare earth elements during the subsequent water leaching of the fired granular material has been established.
Rare metals, Man-made dumps, Ashes and slag waste, Coal mining waste, Granulation, Sulfuric acid, Acid capacity, Scandium, Rare earth elements.
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The research was financially supported by a grant from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (Agreement No 075-15-2022-1193).
For citation
Smirnov D.I. Kalashnikov A.V., Zakharov A.A., Zvonareva M.E., Cherkasova T.G. & Barantsev D.A. Extraction of rare earth elements and scandium from coal mining waste using granular sulphatisation method. Ugol’, 2023, (S12), pp. 84-89. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-S12-84-89.
Paper info
Received November 1, 2023
Reviewed November 15, 2023
Accepted November 30, 2023