Original Paper
UDC 662.74:552.57 © T.G. Cherkasova, A.V. Tikhomirova, E.V. Cherkasova, A.V. Nevedrov, A.V. Papin, 2022
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, ¹ S12, pp. 67-71
Cherkasova T.G.1, Tikhomirova A.V.1, Cherkasova E.V.1,Nevedrov A.V.1, Papin A.V.1
1Gorbachev’s Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Cherkasova T.G., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Director Institute of Chemical and Oil and Gas Technologies, e-mail:
Tikhomirova A.V., PhD (Chemical), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Institute of Chemical and Oil and Gas Technologies, e-mail:
Cherkasova E.V., PhD (Chemical), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances and Nanomaterials, e-mail:
Nevedrov A.V., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Institute of Chemical and Oil and Gas Technologies, e-mail:
Papin A.V., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Institute of Chemical and Oil and Gas Technologies, e-mail:
During the operation of thermal power plants, a huge amount of ash and slag waste is generated, which pollute the environment and are disposed of only by 10%. It is necessary to consider coal as a complex raw material. Kuzbass ash slags can be used to extract expensive rare and rare earth elements (REE), which significantly increases the profitability of the coal industry by obtaining both metals and functional materials based on them. The ash and slag wastes of the Kuzbass GRES and CHP plants were studied using optical emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The data obtained indicate that the ash slags of Kuznetsk coal contain industrially significant conditions of many rare and rare earth metals or their contents are close to industrially significant.
Coal, Coal wastes, Rare, trace and rare-earth elements, Ash and slag materials.
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The research was financially supported by a grant from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (Agreement No. 075-15-2022-1194).
For citation
Cherkasova T.G., Tikhomirova A.V., Cherkasova E.V., Nevedrov A.V. & Papin A.V. Coal as a raw material for knowledge-intensive industries. Ugol’, 2022, (S12), pp. 67-741. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-S12-67-71.
Paper info
Received November 1, 2022
Reviewed November 15, 2022
Accepted November 30, 2022