Original Paper


UDC 614.2+616.12:622-05 (571.17) © I.M. Tsenter, D.P. Tsygankova, O.V. Nakhratova, A.S. Agienko, E.D. Bazdyrev, 2024

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2024, № 11S, pp. 190-196






 I.M. Tsenter, D.P. Tsygankova, O.V. Nakhratova, A.S. Agienko, E.D. Bazdyrev

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases”, Kemerovo, 650002, Russian Federation  e-mail:

Authors Information

Tsenter I.M. – Research Assistant at the Laboratory of Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases, Department of Optimization of Medical Care for Cardiovascular Diseases, SBI “esearch Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases”, Kemerovo, 650002, Russian Federation

Tsygankova D.P. – Doctor of Medicine Sciences, leading researcher at the Laboratory of Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases, Department of Optimization of Medical Care for Cardiovascular Diseases, SBI "Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases", Kemerovo, 650002, Russian Federation

Nakhratova O.V. – Junior researcher at the Laboratory of Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases, Department of Optimization of Medical Care for Cardiovascular Diseases, SBI "Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases", Kemerovo, 650002, Russian federation

Agienko A.S. – Junior research fellow at the Laboratory for Modeling Management Technologies, Department of Medical Care Optimization, SBI "Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases", Kemerovo, 650002, Russian Federation

Bazdyrev E.D. – Doctor of Medicine Sciences, ead of the Laboratory of Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases, Department of Optimization of Medical Care for Cardiovascular Diseases, SBI "Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases", Kemerovo, 650002, Russian Federation, e-mail:


Circulatory system diseases occupy leading positions in terms of rates of morbidity, causes of disability and mortality. Identification, awareness and correction of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) are important parts of medical prevention. The article presents the results of a study involving 209 male respondents working in the Kuzbass coal industry. The results of the study demonstrated a high incidence of such CVRF as smoking (73.2%), dyslipidemia (64.6%), hypertension (63.6%), alcohol consumption (54.1%) and obesity (24.9%). Less than a third of the surveyed coal industry workers visited healthcare institutions, the visits were dedicated to examination or treatment, and only 8.5% were for preventive purposes. Almost all respondents believed that everyone should take care of their health and that they do so themselves. But at the same time, only a quarter of respondents tried to change their lifestyle. Less than a third of respondents who went to medical specialists were recommended to change their lifestyle. The most frequent recommendations included cessation of smoking and lower consumption of fried and high fat foods. Recommendations rarely included weight loss, lower consumption of alcohol, salt and sweets, and increased physical activity. Increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits was the most unpopular recommendation. The most common methods of selfdirected lifestyle changes included increased physical activity, increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, cessation of smoking, lower sugar intake and weight loss. Less than a quarter of the respondents noted that they had reduced the consumption of fried and fatty foods. The least popular ways to change your lifestyle were associated with lower consumption of alcohol and salt.


Cardiovascular risk factors, circulatory system diseases, cardiovascular diseases, coal industry, miners, Kuzbass


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She study was supported by the Russian Federation, specifically the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, under the agreement for providing grant funding in the form of subsidies from the federal budget, dated September 30, 2022, No. 075-15-2022-1202. he study is a part of a comprehensive scientific and technological program of the full innovation cycle, entitled «Development and implementation of technologies in the fields of solid mineral exploration and extraction, industrial safety, bioremediation, and the creation of new products through deep coal processing, all with a gradual reduction of environmental impact and risks to the population`s well-being». This initiative was established by the Russian government`s decree No. 1144-r on May 11, 2022.

For citation

Tsenter I.M., Tsygankova D.P., Nakhratova O.V., Agienko A.S., Bazdyrev E.D. Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and awareness of them among workers in the Kuzbass coal industry. Ugol’. 2024;(11S):190-196. (In uss.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2024-11S-190-196.

Paper info

Received September 15, 2024

Reviewed October 21, 2024

Accepted October 31, 2024


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