Original Paper


UDC 622.271.3 © S.O. Markov, D.M. Dubinkin, M.A. Tyulenev, 2024

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2024, № 11S, pp. 129-133

DOI: ttp://





S.O. Markov, D.M. Dubinkin, M.A. Tyulenev

T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzSTU), Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation  e-mail:

Authors Information

Markov S.O. – Ph (Engineering), Associate Professor of Open Pit Mining Department, Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzS), Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation, e-mail:

Dubinkin D.M. – Ph (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of Mining Machines and Complexes, Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzS), Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation, e-mail:

Tyulenev M.A. – Ph (Engineering), Head of Open Pit Mining Department, Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation, e-mail:


In open pit mining of solid minerals, loading of rock mass from the face is usually carried out without moving the excavator until the dump truck is fully loaded. To ensure that the dump truck body is filled at maximum excavator productivity, the volume of rock mass in a single removed face block should correspond to the capacity of the body, taking into account the loosening of rock during excavation. The article considers the influence of such factors as the minimum radius of excavator digging at the level of its placement, the step of excavator movement, the coefficient of rock loosening during its removal from the massif when working in the mining face, on the volume of downhole block and the angles of excavator rotation for unloading, taking into account the safe operation of excavation-loading and transportation equipment. As an example, the excavator Komatsu PC1250 backhoe is considered when paired with a dump truck BELAZ 7530 (capacity 220 tons) when loading coal by top and bottom digging, with the dump truck below the level of the excavator from the side of the slope across the strike of the seam.


Excavator productivity, backhoe, excavator and truck complex, face block, open-pit mining, coal-bearing zone, moving pitch, quarry dump truck


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his work was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and higher Education of Russian Federation under Agreement № 075-15-2022-1198 dated 30.09.2022 with the Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University on complex scientific and technical program of full innovation cycle: “Development and implementation of complex technologies in the areas of exploration and extraction of solid minerals, industrial safety, bioremediation, creation of new deep conversion products from coal raw materials while consistently reducing the environmental impact and risks to human life” (the “Clean Coal – reen Kuzbass” Integrated Scientific and Technical Programme of the Full Innovation Cycle) as part of implementing the project “Development and creation of an unmanned shuttle-type mine truck with a payload of 220 tonnes” in terms of research, development and experimental-design work.

For citation

Markov S.O., Dubinkin D.M.,T yulenev M.A. Influence of mining and technical factors on the face block volume during backhoes operation. Ugol’. 2024;(11S):129-133. (In uss.). DOI:10.18796/0041-5790-2024-11S-129-133.

Paper info

Received September 15, 2024

Reviewed October 21, 2024

Accepted October 31, 2024


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