UDC 061.43:622.002.5(100) © “Expo-Sibir”, 2014
International Kuzbass Coal Forum – 2014
On October 7 to 10 2014 in Kemerovo another International Kuzbass Coal Forum will be held. The Forum will include the following events: XVII International Coal Technology & Innovation Fair “Expo-Ugol”; XIV International Coal Sale Fair “Coal Supplies and Coal Sales”; XVI International Theoretical and Practical Conference “Russia’s Energy Safety: New Approaches to Developing Coal Industry”. The overview includes a scientific and business program of a forthcoming forum and topics of the fair.
International Kuzbass Coal Forum, Exhibition, Mining equipment, Coal companies.
Contact information
e-mail: dubinin@exposib.ru |
UDC 622.233:622.235:622.831 © S.À. Prokopenko, 2014
Sergey À. Prokopenko
Leading Researcher, OJSC «NTs VostNII», Professor UTI TPU, Doctor of Engineering
Development of Design of Energy Roofing for Facing Mechanized Complex
A feature of rock slide following the facing mechanized complex moving was detected, which enables transformation of gravitational energy to electrical one for power supply of the facing mechanized complex. The roofing section design was developed, which enables electric power generation and accumulation.
Rock, Slide, Roofing, Section, Panel, Electric generator, Complex, Energy.
Contact information
e-mail: sibgp@mail.ru |
UDC 622.26:624.138.24 © E.I. Nurgaliev, A.E. Mayorov, G.N. Rout, 2014
Evgeny I. Nurgaliev
General Director, LLC NPK «UGM», Postgraduate of the Institute
of Coal of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science
Alexander E. Mayorov
Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Coal
of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Doctor of Engineering
Gennady N. Rout
Deputy Director of the Institute of Industrial
and Environmental Safety at KuzGTU named after Ò.F. Gorbachev, Candidate of Engineering
Technology of Rapid Erection of High-strength Non-cut Brattices Using Specific
Cement Mixtures
The paper presents research findings of the specific compounds based on activated cements, it recommends efficient technologies of their use as a sealing of mine working, local and rock mass consolidation. It describes also experience of new technology implementation in Kuzbass mines and prospects of its further application.
Brattice, Mineral compound, Activated cement, Anchors, Insulation, Strengthening, Consolidation, Stability, Safety.
Contact information
e-mail: ugm_kuz@mail.ru |
UDC 621.65.052.2:622.271.45 © A.S. Manuilnikov, V.N. Nevidimov, A.A. Manaev, 2014
Alexander S. Manuilnikov
Chief Engineer, “Beryozovsky” Open-pit Mine
Viktor N. Nevidimov
Chief Geologist, “Beryozovsky” Open-pit Mine
Alexander A. Manaev
Head of Drainage and Pumping Section, “Beryozovsky” Open-pit Mine
New Automatic Floating Pumping Station in “Beryozovsky” Open-pit Mine
The article describes the basic characteristics of the floating pumping station being put into operation.
Investment programme, Project, Pumping units, Pontoon, Pumping unit control cabinet.
Contact information
phone: +7 (39153) 65-2-91; 65-1-11; e-mail: SekretariatSB@suek.ru |
UDC 621.879.017:622.271 © L.I. Kantovich, Kh.N. Sultonov, 2014
Leonid I. Kantovich
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Mining Institute at NITU «MISiS»
Khaydar N. Sultonov
Deputy Chief of Department for Science, Engineering and Technology,
Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan
Improving Relaibility of Excavator Travel Mechanism Drive Gear – Face Power Shovel
The performance reliability of OJSC «URALMASHZAVOD» excavator travel mechanism was analyzed and its new design based on 2Ê-Í three-link differential was proposed.
Reliability, Excavator travel mechanism drive gear, Three-link differential, Final drive epicycles, Brake activation.
Contact information
e-mail: kantovich70@yandex.ru |
UDC 621.85:622-235:622.271 © Sh.Z. Nazhmudinov, 2014
Sharofidin Z. Nazhmudinov
Candidate of Engineering (Chair of GMOGI NITU «MISiS»)
Analysis of Double-Flow Hydromechanical Transmission Work
Process-related Parameters
The paper examines the possibility of use of the prospect double-flow hydromechanical transmission (HMT) in mining machine power plant drive gears in order to improve efficiency, it results the establishment of relation of the parameters characteristic of HMT operation process.
Hydromechanical transmission, Performance, Hydraulic control loop, Hydraulic fluid rate, Differential.
Contact information
phone: +7 (926) 453-88-48; e-mail: nazhmudinov@mail.ru |
UDC 622.33(470):658.155 © I.G. Tarazanov, 2014
Igor G. Tarazanov
Deputy Chief Editor of “Ugol' Magazine,
Mining Engineer
Russia’s Coal Industry Performance for January-March, 2014
The article provides an analytical review of Russia’s coal industry performance for January-March, 2014 on the basis of statistical, technical & economic and production figures. The review contains diagrams, tables and comprehensive statistical data.
Coal Production, Economy, Efficiency, Coal Processing, Coal Market, Supply, Coal Exports and Imports, Safety.
Contact information
e-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru |
UDC 622.44.457:622.817 © E.À. Kolisnichenko, V.B. Artemyev, I.Å. Kolisnichenko, V.G. Cherechukin, 2014
Evgeny À. Kolisnichenko
Professor of Shakhty Institute (Branch) of FGBOU VPO «South-Russian State
Polytechnical University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov», Doctor of Engineering
Vladimir B. Artemyev
Deputy General Director – Director for Production Operations, OJSC «SUEK»,
Professor of Chair «Construction and Technosphere Safety»
YRGPU (NPI) named after M.I. Platov, Doctor of Engineering
Igor Å. Kolisnichenko
Head of Chair «Construction and Technosphere Safety»,
Deputy Director for Educational Work, Shakhty Institute (Branch)
of YRGPU (NPI) named after M.I. Platov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Vladimir G. Cherechukin
Deputy Chief of Department of Mine Rescue Brigade of Ministry for Civil Defence,
Emergencies and Disaster Response of Russia, Chair Candidate
«Construction and Technosphere Safety» YRGPU (NPI) named after M.I. Platov
Justification of Suction Ventilation Technique in Methane-Dust Saturated
Blind Drift Faces
The article results the experimental data received from physical analogue simulation of coal dust removal suction technique in the blind drift face. It proposes the booster fan suction ventilation using ejector unit, which eliminates forced method disadvantages and improves the face space explosion safety when using high-efficiency mining machines.
Blind drift face, Suction technique, Ejector, Methane, Coal dust, Ventilation efficiency, Explosion risk mitigation.
Contact information
phone: +7 (8636) 25-97-83; e-mail: prof-npi@yandex.ru |
UDC 658.387:658.155:622.33:622.8 © A.À. Salnikov, I.L. Kravchuk, A.Ì. Makarov, 2014
Artyom À. Salnikov
Deputy Chief of Department of Production Control, Production Safety and Labor Management,
Company «SUEK»
Igor L. Kravchuk
Director for Mining Production Safety, LLC «NIIOGR», Doctor of Engineering
Alexander Ì. Makarov
CEO, LLC «NIIOGR», Doctor of Engineering, Professor
On Functional of Labour Safety and Production Control Service
The paper describes results of the analytical and simulating workshop-meeting dedicated to study of the functional of labour safety and production control service at facilities of Company «SUEK» longwall set of equipment.
Functional, Labour safety, Planning, Organization, Motivation, Control, Production safety system.
Contact information
e-mail: SalnikovAA@suek.ru; kravchuk65@mail.ru; niiogr@bk.ru |
UDC 622.78 © V. Garber, V. Kozlov, K. Kirillov, 2014
Vladimir Garber
Head of Engineering Office of Fuel Drying and Combustion,
Doctor-Engineer of Buro Feuerungstechnologien, Dusseldorf, Germany
Vadim Kozlov
Chief Technologist, Coal Department of Coralina Engineering – ÑÅÒÑÎ
Kirill Kirillov
Project Manager, Coal Department of Coralina Engineering – ÑÅÒÑÎ
Conditions for Safety Operation of Coal Thermal Drying Units
(Ending, for the beginning refer to Ugol issue No 5-2014)
The paper results comparative information on the units used currently in Russia and abroad during thermal drying of fine grade coals. The first part of the article (Ugol issue No 5-2014) specifies the causes of coal ignition during drying, and examines drying drum and drying in the vibrofluidized bed. The second part considers microwave radiating units, pipe drier, steam drier etc. Along with technical and technological features, the authors analyze the economical component of these units’ application.
Thermal drying of coal, Drying drum, Drying in the vibrofluidized bed, Pipe drier, Coal hydrate.
Contact information
e-mail: vak@cetco.ru; kirillov@cetco.ru |
UDC 622.831.24 © V.À. Polukhin, V.V. Skoblikov, V.P. Gurin, 2014
Vadim À. Polukhin
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Chair «Business Economics and Management»
Taganrog Technological University, DonGTU
Vasily V. Skoblikov
General Director Neryungryshakhtstroy, Mining Engineer
Valery P.Gurin
General Director LLC «Rostovgiproshakht», Candidate of Economics
Innovative Approach to Opening Strength Management, Cost Efficiency
The article examines theoretical, laboratory and mine methods in order to determine the opening strength depending on concentration of normal stresses in the massive. It describes impact of relief bags on reduction of stress concentration in the rocks around the workings. It shows efficiency of rocks’ relief from rock pressure by formation of the bags using the blast energy. It noted the impact of the wall length and the depth of its location on stressed-deformed state (SDS) of the rocks inclosing the working, as the most part of them decompose at a depth of over 800 m. The relief using bags enables to increase the wall length, reduce the cost of 1 ton of end product and improve the innovative level of the enterprise.
Mine working, Relief bags, Stress concentration, Stressed-deformed state.
Contact information
e-mail: polukhin.vadim@mail.ru, phone: +7 (961) 302-02-84 |
UDC 622.673.2 © E.G. Kassikhina, V.V. Pershin, N.Î. Butrim, 2014
Elena G. Kassikhina
Candidate of Engineering, KuzGTU named after T.F. Gorbachev, Mining Institute
Vladimir V. Pershin
Doctor of Engineering, KuzGTU named after T.F. Gorbachev, Mining Institute
Nikita Î. Butrim
Lead Specialist of Department of Capital Construction
and Investment Activities, LLC «Mechel-Mining»
New Trends in Designing of Steel Mine Headgears for Improvement
of Their Industrial Safety
The paper considers a new approach to improvement of industrial safety of operation of steel mine headgears based on reasonable and constructive solutions.
Industrial safety, Corrosion, Defects, Multi-purpose steel cut-sample headgears.
Contact information
phone: + 7 (960) 909-90-79, e-mail: kalena-07@mail.ru |
UDC 622.85:622.882.003 © I.V. Zenkov, B.N. Nefedov, Yu.P. Yuronen, E.V. Kiriushina, V.N. Vokin, 2014
Igor V. Zenkov
Doctor of Engineering, Berdsk Branch of «Berdskstroymash»,
Special Design and Production Engineering Office «Nauka», KNTs of Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Boris N. Nefedov
Candidate of Engineering, Berdsk Branch of «Berdskstroymash»
Special Design and Production Engineering Office «Nauka», KNTs of Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Yury P. Yuronen
Assistant Professor, FGAOU VPO «Sibirski Federalny Aerokosmos Universitet»,
Candidate of Engineering
Elena V. Kiriushina
Senior Lecturer, FGAOU VPO «Sibirski Federalny Universitet»,
Candidate of Engineering
Vladimir N. Vokin
Professor, FGAOU VPO «Sibirski Federalny Universitet»,
Candidate of Engineering
Results of Geometrical Sounding of Vegetal Ecosystems
On Rock Dumps at “Beryozovsky” Open-pit Mine
The article presents the results of space sounding of surface vegetal ecosystem on rock dumps at coal «Beryozovsky» open-pit mine. It brings to light the dynamics of formation and growth of vegetal ecosystems on external and internal rock dumps piled in the various periods of construction and development of the Beryozovsky brown coalfield – strip mine construction (1970-1980), further development of reserves by experimental-industrial strip mine «Beryozovsky» (1975-1990), reserves’ development using transport-dumped flow and cyclic techniques (1990-2014.).
Coal strip mining, Rock dumps, Space sounding, Surface vegetal ecosystems, Soil recultivation.
Contact information
e-mail: zenkoviv@mail.ru |