UDC 622.831.31 © A.P. Starikov, M.P. Zborshchik, V.I. Piljugin, 2010
Starikov Alexander Petrovich
Chairman of Board of directors MPO "Kuzbass",
cand. econ. sciences
Zborshchik Michael Pavlovich
Professor of Donetsk national technical university, doctor tech. sciences
Piljugin Vitaly Ivanovich
Deputy director on manufacture
mines “Komsomolets of Donbass”, doctor tech. sciences
Gas and dynamic phenomena in collieries: the nature of an origin, methods of management and a way of decrease in dangerous displays
Tectonics the broken natural carboniferous file is capable to generate gas and dynamic displays at infringement of its natural condition of balance during conducting mining works. The main source of forces initiating gas and dynamic displays, the high level of operating pressure in a power floor of a natural file is. Thus factors of reduction of parameters of durability of coal and breeds, growth of pressure of gas in emptiness tectonics the broken environment raise probability of displays of emissions a little. However they are subordinates and the share of their influence essentially depends on sizes of operating pressure in a power floor of a natural file. In borders of all area of the flat coal layer which has undergone tectonic infringements, in its natural power floor there is the non-uniform distribution of operating pressure caused mainly by presence of different levels of tectonic pressure. The most dangerous on gas and dynamic to displays are natural (natural) abnormal zones of the convex, concave forms and forms in the form of a saddle a layer with a gradient curvatures about 0,2-0,25 km-1 and more. Only in borders of area tectonic Infringement of a layer, including abnormal zones of a high level of pressure, with increase in depth of development frequency and intensity gas and dynamic displays increases.
The technogenic abnormal (basic) zones of the raised pressure formed at working off tectonics broken a layer, as a whole worsen geomechanical conditions of manufacture of mining works. In the developments subject to influence of technogenic zones, the degree of displays of mining pressure, however danger gas and dynamic displays essentially usually increases only within the limits of the area of joint action of a high level of pressure of abnormal zones of natural and technogenic origins. Now it is necessary to use at regional forecasting an available method of definition of places and borders of an arrangement of natural abnormal zones of high pressure in a power floor of a containing carboniferous file, giving greater practical importance tectonic Infringement of a layers in borders of a mine field, beforehand to predetermine and use the approved rational measures and ways of prevention or possible minimizing of danger gas and dynamic displays during conducting mining works.
Gas and dynamics phenomena, mining works, methods of management, forecasting, technogenic displays, a carboniferous file.
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UDC 621.316.54:622.271 © A.V. Kondakov, V.A. Gusev, 2010
Kondakov Andrey Vasilevich
Leading engineer of OJSC "KEZSB"
Gusev Vladimir Anatolevich
Engineer-designer of OJSC "KEZSB"
The career switch point (cell) YaKU.3 with the device of protection and management UZU.1
New development of OJSC "KEZSB" - switch point (cell) YaKU.3, intended for connection, a feed and protection of a career electric equipment (dredges, chisel machines, transformer substations, etc.) to electric networks 6 (10) kW on surface mining development is presented. The description, a characteristics and advantages before analogues is given.
Switch point (cell), circuits of a high pressure, the vacuum switch, mining equipment.
Contact information
phone: +7 (3842) 642-482; 643-039; e-mail: |
UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2010
Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “Ugol” magazine, mining engineer
On results of work of XI international specialized exhibition of coal-mining and processing technologies and the equipment “Ugol/Mining 2010”
From September, 7 till September, 10th, 2010 in Donetsk (Ukraine) passed 11-th International specialized exhibition of coal-mining and processing technologies and the equipment “Ugol/Mining 2010” - a unique coal forum of Ukraine and one of the largest in the countries of near and far abroad. The exhibition has been organized by Specialized exhibition center “Expodonbass” and German firm Messe Dusseldorf. Results of teamwork have surpassed all expectations: in comparison with parameters rather successful 2008 the total of participants has increased for 15%, and an exhibition area – on 21% that became one more certificate of the importance and efficiency of an exhibition “Ugol/Mining” for branch, exhibitors and visitors. The review of participants and exhibits is presented.
Mining equipment, mining firms, exhibition.
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UDC 622.233.62:622.831.325.3 © HAZEMAG & EPR, 2010
HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH (Germany)
Chisel installation on caterpillar to course ÅÍ 220 for drilling decontaminations chinks
Chisel installation ÅÍ220 manufactures of company HAZEMAG & EPR which are used for drilling advancing chinks at construction developments in a combination with miner combines is presented. Operating experience of these chisel installations on mines of Kazakhstan is described. The characteristics of installation is resulted.
Decontamination, drilling of chinks, chisel installation.
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UDC 621.86.065.4:622.232(430) © B. Sherf, 2010
Burkhard Sherf
Dipl. eng., manager on development of circuits
for scraper conveyors of firm THIELE GmbH & Co. KG, Izerlohn Germany
Company THIELE represents new generation of circuits for lavas and tunnel conveyors
Circuits Big-T developed by company THIELE, mark the important step in development of high-efficiency circuits for a mining industry. Owing to optimization of the form of a rounding off a vertical part appreciable improvement of some parameters of a circuit about what in detail there is a speech in given article is reached. Circuits Big-T possess a number of new distinctive features which provide their conformity to higher requirements of the world market concerning working capacity of circuits in system “scraper conveyor”. The scraper conveyor can be equipped both a circuit of calibre 48, and one of circuits Big-T of calibre 56 without any damage for height of section of directing channels for pass of circuits and without easing a scraper. In article new generations of circuits for lavas and tunnel conveyors are described, their design features and advantages are presented.
Scraper conveyors, circuits for the conveyor, deterioration, service life.
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UDC 622.232.8:621.65/.68 © “TOR Engineering” LLC, 2010
“TOR Engineering” LLC
Systems of a high pressure of company RMI - a guarantee of efficiency and trouble-free operation lavas a complex
In article activity companies RMI (Great Britain) - one of the largest world manufacturers of the equipment for lavas systems complexes, and also practice of application of the equipment in the international markets as the mortgage of the quality assurance and reliability of production is described.
The hi-tech equipment, manufacture of pump stations, foreign experience, world quality, service support.
Contact information
phone: +7 (831) 296-08-35; |
UDC 622.3.012.7«KMZ» © N. Chaban, 2010
Natalia Chaban
Chief of service on public relations
OJSC “Kopejsky a machine-building factory”
Synthesis of traditions and modern technologies
The history of creation of Kopejsky machine-building factory is presented, it is told about mining technics let out by a factory, about achievements and priorities of development of a factory.
Machine-building factory, mining equipment, miner combine.
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UDC 622.33 (470):658.155 © I.G. Tarazanov, 2010
Tarazanov Igor Gennadjevich
Deputy editor-in-chief of “Ugol” magazine, mining engineer
Results of work of the coal-mining industry of Russia for January- September, 2010
On the basis of statistical, technical and economic and industrial parameters the state-of-the-art review of results of work of the coal industry of Russia for January-September, 2010 is presented. The review is accompanied by diagrams, tables and extensive statistical data.
A coal mining, economy, productivity, processing of coal, the market of coal, delivery, export and import of coal, breakdown susceptibility and traumatism.
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UDC 338.45:658.5:622.33.012«SUEK-Khakasia» © A.S. Kostarev, 2010
Kostarev Andrey Sergeevich
Assistant to general director - financial director of company "SUEK-Khakasia”
The approach to calculation of economic benefit of introduction of actions on perfection of manufacture
In article experience of company "SUEK-Khakasia” on perfection of manufacture is described. Planning of actions has demanded development of the approach to calculation of economic benefit of realization of actions on improvement of manufacture. Examples of calculation on the realized actions for 2009 are resulted.
Economic benefit, production efficiency, coal-mining association, innovations, perfection of manufacture.
Contact information
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UDC 622.5 © G.L. Feofanov, 2010
Feofanov Grigory Leonartovich
Technical director of OJSC "Urgalugol"
Features of preparation of lavas in complex hydro-geological conditions
In article the operational experience of the Russian coal-mining mines in complex hydro-geological conditions is generalized. The complex of measures allowing essentially to reduce an operational expense and to raise rate tunneling and mining construction at increasing water-inflow to mine is offered.
Preparation of lavas, complex hydro-geological conditions, water-inflow, expenses and rate tunneling and mining construction.
Contact information
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UDC 622. © J.O. Litvin, 2011
Litvin Jaroslav Olegovich
Deputy director on manufacture
cut “Kedrovsky” of company “Kuzbassrazrezugol”
Features of planning of volumes automobile overburden for placing in temporary dump
Routine planning of volumes automobile breed for accommodation in temporary dumps is necessary for making in view of minimally admissible distance of transportation which depends on residual term of existence temporary dump.
Cut, automobile breed, planning, temporary dump.
Contact information
phone: +7 (3842) 52-67-33; e-mail: nigg/ |
UDC 621.311.22:622.7.002.68:662.654 © Collective of authors, 2010
Ivushkin Anatoly Alekseevich
General director of OK "Sibshahtostroj” LLC, doctor tech. sciences
Venger Konstantin Gennadievich
Technical director of OK "Sibshahtostroj" LLC
Mochalov Sergey Pavlovich
Rector SibGiU, doctor tech. sciences
Murko Vasily Ivanovich
Head of laboratory SibGiU, doctor tech. sciences
Mastihina Vera Pavlovna
Senior scientific employee SibGIU
Myshljaev Leonid Pavlovich
Pro-rector on scientific SibGIU, doctor tech. sciences
Sazykin Gennady Petrovich
Director on preparation of JSC "Giprougol”, cand. tech. sciences
Fedjaev Vladimir Ivanovich
General director of JSC NPP "Sibecotechnika”
Development of a mini-thermal power station on waste of coal preparation
In article the basic technological decisions and technical and economic parameters of creation ìèíè-TES on waste coal preparation are resulted. The project is realized within the limits of the private-state partnership in sphere of realization of the complex project on creation of hi-tech manufacture at financial support of the government of the Russian Federation (the code 2010-218-02-174 “Development of technology and creation of the pilot sample automated energy and generation a complex working on waste coal preparation”).
Thin dispersion carbonaceous waste, waste fuel, recycling of the waste, automated energy and generation a complex (AEGC).
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (3843) 722-622; 721-460 |
UDC 622.013:658.155:622.33.012(479.22) © Collective of authors, 2010
Rekhviashvili Jury Stepanovich
Senior scientific employee
Mining institute it. G.A. Tsulukidze, doctor tech. sciences
Pirtskhalava Taimuraz Georgievich
Senior scientific employee
Mining institute it. G.A. Tsulukidze, doctor tech. sciences
Basiladze Murad Akakievich
Engineer, scientific employee
Mining institute it. G.A. Tsulukidze
Makharadze Sofia Davidovna
Engineer, doctor post-graduate student
Mining institute it. G.A. Tsulukidze
Principles of restructuring of the coal industry of Georgia
Shown that the currently adopted concept development Tkibuli-Shaori deposit (TShD) does not correspond to mining and geological conditions of occurrence of the coal strata of the deposit, provided trough-like. Each wing of the trough is being developed by several small mines, the geometric dimensions of the extraction pillars which does nor exceed 200 m, where the use of modern means of complex mechanization of coal mining uneconomical, that determines these unprofitable mines. The new concept of development TShD, which unlike existing delivers opening balance of reserves of the field with a sloping trunk pipeline delivery to the division of a single mine field into two blocks with long columns of 1500-2500 m for the effective application of mechanical complex that it maximizes the concentration of production and provide favorable conditions for intensive development of the field. As a result of subsidized coal industry of Georgia becomes profitable.
Mine, Tkibuli-Shaori deposit, the coal industry of Georgia, the principles of restructuring.
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