hi boy
"Ugol" magazin


Original Paper

UDC 332.146 © J.V. Lyshchikova, 2024

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2024, № 1, pp. 25-31

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2024-1-25-31




Lyshchikova J.V.1

1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, 308015, Russian Federation

Authors Information

Lyshchikova J.V., PhD (Economic), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Economics and Economic Security, e-mail: lyshchikova@bsu.edu.ru


In the article, as a result of the analysis of individual socio-economic and environmental indicators of the development of coal-mining regions of the Russian Federation, conclusions are formulated about the significant differentiation of the regions under consideration and the need for the use of variable approaches in regional economic policy is confirmed. Based on the data of the SMART regions rating of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia and the rating of digital transformation of regions of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, "heat maps" of innovative development and digital transformation of coal-mining subjects of the Russian Federation, introducing the concept of "Smart Region" and developing individual projects of the concept of "Smart City" were built. As a final result of the study, the coal mining regions of Russia were grouped according to the level of digital transformation and scientific and technological development. Problems have been identified for the obtained typological groups of coal-mining regions, corrective measures have been proposed and prospects for the introduction of the "Smart Region" concept have been identified.


"Smart region", "Smart city", Coal mining region, Sustainable development, Digital transformation, Innovative development, "Heat map".


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The research was carried out at the expense of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-28-01636, https://rscf.ru/project/23-28-01636/.

For citation

Lyshchikova J.V. Problems and prospects of implementation of the "Smart Region" concept in the coal-mining regions of the Russian Federation. Ugol’, 2024, (1), pp. 25-31. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2024-1-25-31.

Paper info

Received August 22, 2023

Reviewed November 13, 2023

Accepted December 7, 2023


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