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Original Paper

UDC 622.232.72:622.411.33© M.V. Pavlenko, V.G. Merzlyakov, E.V. Sinitskaya, I.A. Florova, D.A. Adigamov, 2023

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 5, pp. 37-40

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2023-5-37-40




Pavlenko M.V.1, Merzlyakov V.G.2, Sinitskaya E.V.1, Florova I.A.1, Adigamov D.A.3

1Federal National Independent Educational Institution of Higher Education “National University of Science and Technology MISIS” (NUST MISIS),

2FGАOU VO Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, 107023, Russian Federation

3FGBOU VO "Samara state economic University",Samara,443090, Russian Federation

Authors Information

Pavlenko M.V.,PhD (Engineerin), Associate professor, e-mail: mihail_mggy@mail.ru

Merzlyakov V.G., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, e-mail: vgm458@mail.ru

Sinitskaya E.V., Senior lecturer, e-mail: sinitskaya.ev@misis.ru

Florova I.A., Senior lecturer, e-mail: //e.mail.ru/compose/?mailto=mailto%3Aflorova.ia@misis.ru" title="https://e.mail.ru/compose/?mailto=mailto%3Aflorova.ia@misis.ru">florova.ia@misis.ru

Adigamov D.A., PhD Student, e-mail: //e.mail.ru/compose/?mailto=mailto%3Adanil.adigamov@yandex.ru" title="https://e.mail.ru/compose/?mailto=mailto%3Adanil.adigamov@yandex.ru">danil.adigamov@yandex.ru


A low-permeability coal seam is regarded as an active medium. The active medium is defined as one that reacts to external impacts. This includes coal seams that are being mined. Elastic waves generated by vibration contribute to emergence of multidirectional forces within the seam, which generates several gas-conducting systems of fractures. Coal shares the same property with all the other fractured media, i.e. brittleness, which is manifested by a sharp decrease in hardness due to destruction of the massif's structure when coal is shaken. This phenomenon can be utilized in the practice to enhance gas recovery from seams, in particular, when using vibration impact on the coal matrix. Studies confirm that exposure to low frequencies generates vibrations within the seam, which have to match the natural vibration frequency of the rock matrix and cause a resonance effect in the coal seam.

An increase in the rock mass fracturing takes place within the vibroacoustic field, and a significant decrease is observed in bonding of the methane molecules with coal. This phenomenon causes several effects that impact the state and properties of the low-permeability gas-saturated coal seam. The vibrations that propagate within the pay zone as elastic waves change the structure of the coal seam and significantly increase the occurrence of alternating forces to produce new fracture systems and to stimulate methane escape from the coal porous medium.


Permeability of coal mass, Methane recovery, Fracturing, Vibrational impact, Oscillation, Low-permeability coal mass.


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For citation

Pavlenko M.V., Merzlyakov V.G., Sinitskaya E.V., Florova I.A. & Adigamov D.A. The role of vibration impact in fracturing and gas recovery from a low-permeability coal seam. Ugol’, 2023, (5), pp. 37-40. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-5-37-40.

Paper info

ReceivedDecember 22, 2022

Reviewed March 15, 2023

Accepted April 27, 2023


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