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Original Paper


UDC 330.34 © E.S. Materova, N.A. Isaeva, L.I. Safiullin, I.Yu. Orlov, R.R. Gaizatullin, O.A. Nesterova, 2023

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 4, pp. 84-89

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2023-4-84-89






Materova E.S.1, Isaeva N.A.1, Safiullin L.I.2, Orlov I.Yu.2, Gaizatullin R.R.2, Nesterova O.A.2


1Samara State Economic University, Samara, 443090, Russian Federation

2Institute of Management of Economics and Finance  Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, 4420008,

Russian Federation

Authors Information

Materova E.S., PhD (Economic), Associate Professor of Department of Economic theory, e-mail: nedlen63@yandex.ru

Isaeva N.A., Student, e-mail: isaeva.natalia2000@mail.ru

Safiullin L.I. Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Science, e-mail: Lenar_s@mail.ru

Orlov I.Yu., PhD (Economic), Assistant professor, e-mail: snf079@yandex.ru

Gaizatullin R.R., PhD (Economic), Assistant professor, e-mail: ramil.gayzatullin@tatar.ru

Nesterova O.A., PhD student,  e-mail: lesya1609@mail.ru



In the modern world, the development of industries of any country is not possible without such a process as digitalization. On a par with the banking sector - advanced in the use of information solutions, is the mining sector. On the example of PJSC Alrosa, the role of the transformation factor on the degree of attractiveness of the company was considered. The goals that the mining industry sets for itself when introducing digital innovations are determined. This influence extends both to the employees of the company and to direct customers. At the same time, business processes change. Examples of future interaction of technological developments, innovative solutions with the diamond mining sector are given. Conclusions are drawn related to the relevance of the further development of the direction. The vectors for increasing the investment attractiveness of gems through IT solutions and other innovative developments are determined.


Key words

Digitalization, Mining, Transformation, Digital diamond, Gems, IT solutions, Diamond basket, Banking sector.



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For citation

Materova E.S., Isaeva N.A., Safiullin L.I., Orlov I.Yu., Gaizatullin R.R. & Nesterova O.A.Performance analysis of the mining sector in the context of digitalization as exemplified by ALROSA .Ugol’, 2023, (4), pp. 84-89. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-4-84-89.


Paper info

Received February 18, 2023

Reviewed February 28, 2023

Accepted March 27, 2023


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