hi boy
"Ugol" magazin


Original Paper


UDC 622.4:533.6 © A.I. Kulik, A.N. Timchenko, V.N. Kosterenko, S.S. Kobylkin, 2023

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 3, pp. 75-78

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2023-3-75-78







Kulik A.I.1,2, Timchenko A.N.1, Kosterenko V.N.1, Kobylkin S.S.2


1“SUEK” JSC, Moscow, 115054, Russian Federation

2National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” (NUST “MISIS”), Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation


Authors Information

Kulik A.I., Applicant at the Department of Mining Safety and Ecology, Mining Institute

Timchenko A.N., PhD (Engineering)

Kosterenko V.N., PhD (Physical and Mathematical), Head of Emergency Tolerance, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations - Head of the Situation Analysis Centre

Kobylkin S.S., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor at the Department of Mining Safety and Ecology, Mining Institute, e-mail: kobylkin.s@misis.ru



Analysis of major accidents at the Severnaya (2016) and Listvyazhnaya (2021) coal mines revealed a number of problems related to ventilation. The aerological safety of a coal mine is achieved by the correct choice of technological solutions in the design, and in the process of coal mining – by operational control of the state of the mine atmosphere and gas emission control. Currently, coal mines, due to the high gas content, use a whole range of measures, including new ventilation schemes, various types of degassing and gas suction. At the same time, design and regulatory documents do not offer solutions for calculations in a single system of all thrust sources. As the conducted studies have shown, three-dimensional modeling allows us to evaluate the mutual influence of all methods of gas emission control in a single system.



Coal mine, Ventilation, Gas, Modeling, Mine face, Gob.



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For citation

Kulik A.I., Timchenko A.N., Kosterenko V.N. & Kobylkin S.S. Features of modeling aerogasodynamics of coal mine face. Ugol’, 2023, (2), pp. 75-78. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-3-75-78.


Paper info

Received December 27, 2022

Reviewed January 15, 2023

Accepted February 27, 2023


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