Original Paper


UDC 622.85:622.235 © A.P. Averin, A.V. Kharchenko, 2022

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № S12, pp. 44-48








Averin A.P., Kharchenko A.V.


1 ICEMR RAS, Moscow, 111020, Russian Federation


Authors Information

Averin A.P., PhD (Engineering), senior researcher, e-mail:

Kharchenko A.V., PhD (Engineering), associate professor, senior researcher, e-mail:


The current monitoring system of industrial explosions in the territory of Kuzbass is analyzed. The criteria for assessing the seismic impact of mass explosions are considered. The necessity of organizing local monitoring at open pit making mass explosions to ensure the safety of neighborhoods was noted. This will improve safety due to compliance with blasting technology and timely adjustment of decisions. It is shown that when assessing the negative impact of mass explosions on the environment, it is impossible to base only on the magnitude. The proposed change in the estimate from magnitude to intensity of seismic vibrations during local monitoring of mass explosions will allow monitoring compliance with GOST standards and moving from regional to local control for a detailed analysis of the negative impact on the environment. Variants of visualization of the results of observations in the form of constructing maps of isolines of different intensity of vibrations are proposed.


Monitoring, Negative impact, Magnitude, Isoseists, Mass explosions, Intensity of seismic vibrations, Protected objects.


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The research was performed as part of Activity No.1 of the Integrated Scientific and Technical Programme of the Full Innovation Cycle, approved by Order No. 1144-р of the Government of the Russian Federation as of May 11, 2022, and Agreement No. 075-15-2022-1185 as of September 28, 2022, on providing grants from the federal budget in the form of subsidies in accordance with Item 4 of Article 78.1 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.


For citation

Averin A.P. & Kharchenko A.V.C riteria for assessing the negative impact of mass explosions on the environment. Ugol’, 2022, (S12), pp. 44-48. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-S12-44-48.


Paper info

Received November 1, 2022

Reviewed November 15, 2022

Accepted November 30, 2022


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