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UDC 061.43:622.002.5(100) © EXPODONBASS, 2010

Specialized exhibition center “EXPODONBASS”

The international specialized exhibition of coal-mining and processing technologies and the equipment COAL & MINING – 2010

From September, 7 till September, 10th, 2010 in specialized exhibition center “EXPODONBASS” there will pass 11-th international specialized exhibition of coal-mining and processing technologies and the equipment. Organizers of an exhibition are: specialized exhibition center “EXPODONBASS” (Ukraine) and firm Messe Dusseldorf (Germany). At an exhibition alongside with manufacturers and suppliers mining equipment the companies developing, making, delivering the modern compressor equipment, machine tools, the tool, automatics, accessories for a mining and processing complex will take part. In the review brief results of the last exhibition, the business program and thematic sections of a forthcoming forum are presented.

The international forum, exhibition, mining equipment, coal enterprises.

Contact information
e-mail: Nataly@expodon.dn.ua

UDC 622.673.1:622.8:658.012 © B.A. Grjadushy, V.I. Mjalkovsky, N.A. Chehlaty, 2010

Grjadushy Boris Abramovich
Director of OJSC “NIIGM it. M.M. Fedorov” (Ukraine),
doctor tech. sciences, professor

Mjalkovsky Valentine Iosifovich
Deputy director OJSC “NIIGM it. M.M. Fedorov” (Ukraine),
cand. tech. sciences

Chehlaty Nikolay Aleksandrovich
Head of department OJSC “NIIGM it. M.M. Fedorov” (Ukraine),
cand. tech. sciences

Complex of means for increase of safety of operation of elevating installations

The structure, characteristics and functionalities of a complex of the means providing safe operation of mine elevating installations is considered. Results of introduction of a complex on collieries are resulted.

Complex of means, mine elevating installation.

Contact information
e-mail: mail@niigm.dn.ua

UDC 621.315/.316:622.33(477) © I.V. Jordanov, 2010

Jordanov Igor Vjacheslavovich
General director of Torezskij an electrotechnical factory

The best and modern equipment to our consumers

The information on the leading manufacturer of a hardened electric equipment - Torezskij an electrotechnical factory which aspires to be the first among competitors is presented, to satisfy inquiries of consumers and it is better to provide others excellent quality.

TETZ-INVEST, a starting hardened electric equipment.

Contact information
e-mail: tetz@tetz.com.ua

UDC 622.33.002.5(477) © NPK “Mining machines”, 2010

NPK “Mining machines”

NPK "Mining machines": age-old experience of mining mine equipment mechanical engineering

Mining mechanical engineering - the important branch for such coal powers as Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. The tendency of complication mining-geological conditions of extraction of coal induces the most progressive machine engineers to create that equipment which will facilitate work to miners. To those innovations concerns NPK “Mining machines”. In article it is told about the company, the factories entering into it, and about production let out by them.

Mining machines, mine equipment, factories of mining mechanical engineering.

Contact information
phone/fax: +1038 (062) 381-53-00; 381-53-53

UDC 622.284.74 © Group of the enterprises, 2010

RANK 2 Ltd., AMK Ltd., AMK SHSU Ltd.

Quality, safety, development

Is told about group RANK 2 Ltd., AMK Ltd., AMK SHSU Ltd. the enterprises which activity during six years is connected with anchor systems. Production of these enterprises helps mines with achievement of objects in view: safety, productivity, adaptability to manufacture of work.

Anchor systems, anchors, ampoules, mining.

Contact information
e-mail: rank2009@yandex.ru

UDC 621.926.32:622.73 © IK Ugleobogashchenie Ltd., 2010

Company “Ugleobogashchenie” Ltd.

Crusher TRM (UK)

Crusher TRM (UK), its advantages is presented. It is noted, that low speed and the high rotating moment do crusher TRM by an ideal variant for crushing coal. Crusher TRM can easily process a material in the size up to 2000 mm, receiving a material on an output in the size up to 50 mm. Productivity of a crusher can reach 5000 tons at one o'clock.

Crusher, crushing of coal, processing of coal, efficiency.

Contact information
e-mail: coal-dressing@mail.ru


UDC 622.831.325.3 © A.V. Budnik, G.S. Levchinsky, 2010

Budnik Andrey Vasilevich
Chief engineer NIIOMSHS,
corresponding member of Academy of construction of Ukraine

Levchinsky Grigory Semenovich
General director MPV JSC “POISK, A.C.”
cand. tech. sciences

About expediency of complex decontamination of collieries with use underground decontamination units

The analysis of ways of decontamination of the mines dangerous on gas is lead. Offers on expediency of use underground decontamination units are resulted.

Decontamination, underground decontamination systems, methane.

Contact information
e-mail: poisk@an.lg.ua

UDC 622.831.325.3 © S.V. Nazimova, A.V. Kondakov, M.K. Durnin, 2010

Nazimova Svetlana Vladimirovna
Chief engineer of OJSC "KEZSB"

Kondakov Andrey Vasilevich
Engineer of OJSC "KEZSB"

Durnin Michael Kimovich
Adviser of OJSC "KEZSB"

Development of domestic installation on decontamination of new generation

Installation decontamination – vacuum-pump station of mobile execution VNSMI by 50-200 productivity from 50 up to 200 meters cubic in a minute, developed by KEZSB (Kemerovo) is considered decontamination. Advantages and differences of the given installation are resulted.

Decontamination, vacuum-pump installation, safety.

Contact information
e-mail: kezsb@kuzbass.net

UDC 622.411.33 © M.A. Iljashov, A.V. Agafonov, V.N. Kocherga, A.A. Bodnar, 2010

Iljashov Michael Aleksandrovich
Doctor tech. sciences, professor
(JSC "Donetsksteel")

Agafonov Alexander Vasilevich
Doctor tech. sciences (JSC "Donetsksteel")

Kocherga Victor Nikolaevich
Cand. tech. sciences (MakNII)

Bodnar Andrey Anatolevich
Engineer (JSC "Donetsksteel")

Features of allocation of methane in high-efficiency lavas

Results of researches of allocation of methane in high-efficiency sites mine “Pokrovskoe” (Ukraine) are presented. The phenomenon of complex mutual influence of parameters coal and breed a file and technology factors of influence on it, accompanied by essential decrease of allocation of methane in mining is established at high speed lavas.

Mining, lavas, decontamination, allocation of methane, a chink, decontamination systems.

Contact information
e-mail: stat@donetsksteel.com

UDC 622.831.325.3 © V.N. Zaharov, S.S. Kubrin, 2010

Zaharov Valery Nikolaevich
Managing laboratory IPKON the Russian Academy of Science,
doctor tech. sciences, professor

Kubrin Sergey Sergeevich
Leading scientific employee IPKON the Russian Academy of Science
doctor tech. sciences

Automation of processes of decontamination and recycling of methane at working off of methane coal layers

For the first time for the control and management decontamination system of the mining enterprises fulfilling gas and coal layers it is developed and there has passed operational tests the automated monitoring system of parameters taken methane and air mixes mine decontamination systems. The automated system represents program-technical complex supervising parameters methane and air mixes of a during decontamination, having two-level hierarchical structure of construction and including in the structure means of the bottom and top levels, and also means of a network of data transmission.

System, the control, coal, decontamination, recycling.

Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 360-07-35, e-mail: vnzakharov@gmail.com
phone: +7 (495) 360-07-35, e-mail: s_kubrin@mail.ru


UDC 622.33+622.7:622.33.012«UK «Zarechnaja» © A.P. Starikov, 2010

Starikov Alexander Petrovich
Chairman of Board of directors
MPO "Kuzbass", cand. econ. sciences

New decisions in technology of extraction, processing and use of coal

Creation modern energy and technological complexes will allow to process coals of poor quality and waste coal preparation, to involve in economy significant resource stocks. “Ugolnaja Company "Zarechnaja” Ltd. - one of the large Russian coal enterprises in 2009 has extracted more than 5,5 million tons coal of mark G, over 90% sends on export and is used in power of 15 countries of the world. The company is recognized by the winner of competition on the right of use of bowels with the purpose of investigation and extraction of coal on a site “Serafimovskij” a coal deposit of Ushakovskij. On a site construction of mine with volume of extraction is planned 3-8 million tons coal in a year and concentrating factory of corresponding capacity of processing. The main innovative direction of the given project is creation on the basis of mine of a complex on deep processing coal with the purpose of reception electric and thermal energy of a wide spectrum of chemical products and building materials, with full use of waste coal preparation and bad quality coals. For realization of the project with participation of a regional administration, a diversified production association MPO "Kuzbass", OJSC “Kuzbass technopark” the joint company of JSC "Technoparkinvest-Kuzbass” is created. Prospecting works on a site in current to year will begin "Georesource” Ltd. entering into structure MPO "Kuzbass".

Coal deposit, mine, power complex, the innovative project.

Contact information
e-mail: ella@ptktv.ru


UDC 338.45:658.155:622.33.012«SUEK-Hakasia» © A.B. Kilin, V.A. Azev, A.S. Kostarev, 2010

Kilin Alexey Bogdanovich
General director of company “SUEK-Hakasia” Ltd.

Azev Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Technical director of company “SUEK-Hakasia” Ltd.

Kostarev Andrey Sergeevich
Financial director of company “SUEK-Hakasia” Ltd.

Perfection of manufacture in conditions of financial crisis

In article experience of company “SUEK-Hakasia” on perfection of manufacture during financial crisis by means of strengthening motivation of the personnel and involving of its mental potential in process of transformations is described.

Financial crisis, coal-mining enterprise, production efficiency, innovations, perfection of manufacture.

Contact information
e-mail: KilinAB@suek.ru; e-mail: AzevVA@suek.ru;
e-mail: KostarevAS@suek.ru; e-mail: niiogr@bk.ru


UDC 622.74:621.982.2 © V.F. Chumak, 2010

Chumak Vyacheslav Fedorovich
Main designer “Lugansk electromachine-building factory” Ltd. (Lugansk, Ukraine)

Operational experience on creation and operation a roars crushers

In article the operational experience in the field of roars crushers for last ten years is presented. Modern designer-technological and industrial base on manufacture a roars crushers and working surfaces for them from corrosion-proof shpalt and polymer, cooperation with leading scientific institutes in the field of highly effective rubber working surfaces allow “Lugansk electromachine-building factory” Ltd. at a modern level to solve problems a roars crushers in mining and building industries.

Crushers, a roar, concentrating factory, segregation process, coal preparation.

Contact information
e-mail: lemz@ukr.net

UDC 622.794 © S.F. Abramjuk, L.T. Vertola, A.S. Buchatsky, 2010

Abramjuk Stanislav Fedorovich
Head of department
Institute “Gipromashugleobogashenie” (Ukraine, Lugansk)

Vertola Leonid Tihonovich
Cand. tech. sciences
Institute “Gipromashugleobogashenie” (Ukraine, Lugansk)

Buchatsky Andrey Sergeevich
Director of "Satellite" Ltd. (Russia, Belgorod)

Removal of water from fine-grained materials

Humidity of a coal concentrate and waste, acting on coke-chemistry factories, should be minimal. Introduction of special centrifuges for removal of water a fine concentrate and waste leads to decrease in humidity and allows to save from 4,124 up to 18,2 meters cubic on ton in a year of the gas spent for heating cokes of furnaces and drying, allows to reduce duration of coking by 9% and to increase productivity cokes furnaces by 5-6%. Therefore the problem removal of water a fine coal concentrate 0-13 mm, waste 0-3 mm, thin waste and flotation a concentrate has got huge value. In article are presented the centrifuges created by institute “Gipromashugleobogashenie” which allow to receive the specified parameters with the big efficiency and thus to solve the problem removal of water at enrichment of minerals.

Centrifuge, removal of water, a coal concentrate.

Contact information
e-mail: gmuo@meta.ua


UDC 622.232(043.3) © A.A. Grabsky, 2010

Grabsky Alexander Adolfovich
Cand. tech. sciences,
professor of faculty GMO MGGU

The temperature environment temporal changes during the surface miner exploitation

Analyzed the temperature environment temporal changes during the surface miner exploitation at Dzheroy-Sardarinsky phosphorite-field of Uzbekistan

The surface miner, the temperature environment.

Contact information
e-mail: ud@msmu.ru


UDC 061.45:622.33(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2010

Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “UGOL” magazine,
mining engineer

5-th Annual summit “ Coal CIS ” - prospects and forecasts of development of coal branch

From April, 20-21st, 2010 in Moscow in Hotel Marriott Rojal the Aurora passed the fifth annual summit “Coal CIS”, organized Adam Smith's by Institute and Informa (Australia) which has collected the most influential representatives of the coal industry, manufacturers of coal of a highest level, buyers, traders, suppliers and transport. At the summit the most actual were considered for coal branch questions and problems. Such questions as have been discussed: influence of world crisis on demand on coal in the CIS; manufacture and export of coal of the CIS in 2009 and the analysis of tendencies of export on 2010; an infrastructure of the coal market of Russia; a role of coal sector in development of monocities; prospects of development of coal branch in view of the legislation on preservation of the environment. In the presented review reports and performances (in shorthand form) the basic participants of the coal market, the recognized analysts and experts of the coal industry are resulted. Performances are illustrated by diagrams and tables.

The coal industry, economic crisis, the market of coal, export of coal, the price for coal, transport of coal and logistics.

Contact information
e-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru


UDC 553.54:622.7:622.337.2 © S.V. Poljakov, G.B. Frajman, V.V. Vojnov, 2010

Poljakov Sergey Vitalevich
General director of company "Leningradslanets”,
cand. tech. sciences

Frajman Grigory Borisovich
Adviser of the general director of company "Leningradslanets”,
cand. tech. sciences

Vojnov Victor Vladimirovich
Chief engineer of company "Leningradslanets”,
mining engineer

Modernization of ways of use of combustible slates

In article questions of allocation of an organic component of combustible slates are considered. Authors have generalized long-term experience of reception cerogen at the industrial enterprises and in laboratory conditions on Leningrad and Volzhsk deposits. Examples of use of this material in an agriculture as growth factors of plants are noted. The publication of article assumes development new nanotechnology in without waste use of unique raw material and attraction of financial assets to scale statement of research works.

Combustible slate, pure cerogen, flotation, a growth factor of plants, polymeric materials.

Contact information
e-mail: fraimangb@yandex.ru, phone: +7 (81374) 2-31-08; +7 (921) 318-07-22.


UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2010

Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “UGOL” magazine,
mining engineer

On results of work of 14-th International specialized exhibition on mining, extraction and enrichment of ores and minerals “MiningWorld Russia”

On April, 14-16th in Moscow “Mining equipment, extraction and enrichment of ores and minerals - MININGWORLD RUSSIA”, one of leading branch actions 14-th International specialized exhibition and conference took place in Russia, uniting professionals of a mining industry and representing a full spectrum of production and services of a mining complex. The review of participants and exhibits of the given exhibition - the newest samples of the equipment, modern technologies, last achievements and design development is presented.

Mining techniques, the international exhibition, mining technologies, scientific development.

Contact information
e-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru


Lesovaja Natalia Kuzminichna
Managing ONTI of Institute of coal and coal-chemistry
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science

Seminar of geologists-coal miners of Kuzbass

Under the initiative of Institute of coal and coal-chemistry Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science and the Kemerovo branch of the State commission on stocks of minerals on May, 27-28th, 2010 in Institute IUU SO RAN there has passed a training seminar “Questions of calculation and an estimation of stocks of coal” for workers of geological services. The information on a taken place seminar is presented. The seminar for geologists-coal miners took place for the first time for last 20 years. The techniques of calculation of stocks of the coal deposits presented at a seminar, the Siberian Branches of the Russian Academy of Science developed by experts IUU SO RAN on bowels, are approved by expert-technical Advice of State commission on stocks of deposits of minerals (ETS GKZ), are published by small circulation and GKZ are unique and unique in own way and, under recommendation ETS GKZ, can be used by all geologists-coal miners of Russia at state expert appraisal of materials of prospecting works.

Geology, the prospecting works, training seminar, methodical recommendations.

Contact information
e-mail: n.lesovaya@icc.kemsc.ru, phone: +7 (3842) 74-14-84


UDC 553.3/.9:622.85 © O.G. Burdzieva, 2010

Burdzieva Olga Germanovna
Engineer CGI VNC the Russian Academy of Science
and Republic Severnaya Ossetia – Alanija, Vladikavkaz

Rational use of bowels in region of Republic Severnaya Ossetia - Alanija (problems and ways of their decision)

Results of researches of a condition of an environment in region of intensive extraction of polymetallic ores are resulted. Parameters of pollution and their influence on the person and the nature owing to storage of waste of processing of ores on a surface are established. It is established, that reduction of volumes of processing of ores within several years does not weaken loading on an environment. Nature protection technologies of extraction of metals and processings of tails on the basis of removal of alkali with activation of raw material in dezintegrators are recommended.

Deposits, enrichment, tails of processing, natural removal of alkali, pollution of ground, health of the person.

Contact information
e-mail: cgi_ras@mail.ru; phone: +7 (8672) 76-40-84


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